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# 1168, книга: Обычный читер 2
автор: Son

"Обычный читер 2" - продолжение нашумевшей первой книги серии, которая быстро завоевала популярность среди поклонников фэнтези. Автор Son умело сохраняет суть первой книги, добавляя новые повороты сюжета и углубляя характеры персонажей. Главный герой, Влад, возвращается в мир Льтлира, где он должен продолжить свою миссию по спасению королевства от надвигающейся тьмы. На сей раз он объединяется с новым союзником, загадочной эльфийкой Ариэль. Вместе они сталкиваются с еще более...

Janice Manning - The Kolbrin Bible: 21st Century Master Edition

The Kolbrin Bible: 21st Century Master Edition
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The Kolbrin Bible: 21st Century Master Edition
Janice Manning


Старинная литература

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Краткое содержание книги "The Kolbrin Bible: 21st Century Master Edition"

Millennia ago, Egyptian and Celtic authors recorded prophetic warnings for the future and their harbinger signs are now converging. These predictions are contained in The Kolbrin Bible, a secular wisdom text studied in the days of Jesus and lovingly preserved by generations of Celtic mystics in Great Britain. Nearly as big as the King James Bible, this 3600-year old text warns of an imminent, Armageddon-like conflict with radical Islam, but this is not the greatest threat. The authors of The Kolbrin Bible predict an end to life as we know it, by a celestial event. It will be the return of a massive space object, in a long elliptical orbit around our sun. Known to the Egyptians and Hebrews as the "Destroyer," the Celts later called it the "Frightener."

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purpose. Say not that the days of victory of good will be brought in with a griffin's egg." BRT:6:69 "No man is free who does not control his own movements. No man is free who is not master of himself. Fear is the tribute the mind of man pays to guilt. He who has never been guilty knows no fear. To see the path of duty and not to follow it is the way of the coward. A man tarnishes the lustre of his greatest actions when he applauds them himself."

BRT:6:70 "No man is more vile than he who causes a woman to shed tears from the heart, tears generated in remorse and regret. Every maid has the potential for ladyhood. A lady never flaunts her estate, but ever remains modest and reserved. She covers her virtue with ladylike ways, for as a veil adds to beauty, so is chastity enhanced by being veiled. The wise woman pays no notice to the spider's lullaby from the lips of hypocritical men who

speak of love. The spider loves its prey." BRT:6:71 "Babblers are not wanted. Shun the Sophists and their sophistry, and be chary of divinators. Avoid the Paynim, and be as strong as a bull, light as a hawk, swift as a deer and tenacious as a salmon. If things go against you, never despair. To be vanquished and still not surrender, that is

victory indeed! Avoid the talebearer, and do not listen to the witches' whisper. Be prudent; giants step off the path in the realm where a dwarf is


BRT:6:72 "Avoid the daydreamer and the moneyluster, the vagabond and the woman fascinator. Avoid the honeytongued hypocrite, for it were better you took a viper to your bosom than to open your heart to one such as these.

Do not become a griffin."

Chapter Seven - The Corrygorsed

BRT:7:1 To you, Nathaniel, son of my brother Will Smith, and to Andrew, his half brother, I leave two books of integrity and others in portions. The bare words are unimportant, but what they convey is as jewels in a crown of gold. Yet, even this is not the crown itself, which should be sought in the Karnamard at Nantladiwen. I am not an unlettered man, but I lack the virtue of subtleness in writing of things best hidden.

BRT:7:2 Inasmuch as the ferocious bloodseekers close in upon us and Christian folk do in their zeal deem it fit to claim for their own persons of innocent blood, persecuting them with ratchet, rope and brand even unto death, I charge you, my assigns, to protect the several holy Books even unto your death. Believing full well that evil cannot triumph over good and the dark days of fearborn hatred will pass, keep them secure under the most

sacred oaths now foresworn.

BRT:7:3 The said Holy Books, of themselves innocent, fill the base hearts of our enemies with craven fear, even as the lamp-bearing lackey causes scuttling among the rats in the larder. What dire secret do they hide closeted within their breasts, occasioning such terror that limbs quake when innocent wisdom is mentioned in their presence?

BRT:7:4 In all the land, no place remains comfortable and the free- spirited are as hares hunted by whippets running into the talebearing wind. Before the doomsmen come, we make our peace and can await our call to sacrifice in patience. The jewels are safely hidden. These things, which follow, are found in The Book of Recitals.

BRT:7:5 There are three adornments of life: Love, Truth and Beauty.

BRT:7:6 There are three things, of which God is The Source: Life,

Wisdom and Power. BRT:7:7 There are three things, which men must get from living: The greatest benefit, the greatest knowledge and the greatest experience. BRT:7:8 There are three causes, in which it is fitting that men should risk their lives: In establishing Truth, in upholding Justice and in seeking Liberty. BRT:7:9 There are three paramount qualities, to which all else should be subordinate: Love, Truth and Good. BRT:7:10 There are three things men should place above themselves:

Their faith, their race and humankind. BRT:7:11 There are three things a man should value above his life and possessions: His family, his honour and his reputation. BRT:7:12 There are three principles of government: Effective security of life and person, security of possessions and dwelling, and security of personal


BRT:7:13 There are three things a government must hold inviolate: A man's family, his dignity and his opinion. BRT:7:14 There are three things the government must provide: Education, Justice and Safety. BRT:7:15 There are three pillars of the state: The questing scholar, the diligent craftsman and the incorruptible official. BRT:7:16 There are three unities: One God, One Truth and One Creation. BRT:7:17 There are three things, for which the Earth exists: The development of souls, the fulfilment of the destiny of man and the

manifestation of life. BRT:7:18 There are three things man must give to life: Beauty, Stability

and Harmony.

BRT:7:19 There are three things woman must give to life: Love, Goodness and Compassion. BRT:7:20 There are three things only God can do: Constantly renew Himself in the infinite Circle of Eternity, remain unchanging while impregnating every state of changeability, and encompass everything


BRT:7:21 There are three things required of men: The ability to change that, which is changeable, to accept that which is unchangeable and to know

the difference.

BRT:7:22 There are three virtues of maidenhood: Prudence, Modesty and


BRT:7:23 There are three virtues of wifehood: Faithfulness, Industriousness and Motherliness. BRT:7:24 There are three graces: Faith, Hope and Love. BRT:7:25 There are three things to know about God: He must be sought for, He cannot be given anything by man which increases His Greatness and

He dwells within His own Law. BRT:7:26 There are three rights of man Freedom to move, to enjoy privacy and to speak his mind. BRT:7:27 There are three things God requires of man: Effort, Courage

and Reverence for the sacred. BRT:7:28 There are three duties of woman: To reproduce the race, inspire

mankind and beautify life. BRT:7:29 There are three duties of man: To protect the race, strive for

progress and elevate humankind. BRT:7:30 There are three things, which distort the soul: Malice, Deceit

and Sensuality.

BRT:7:31 There are three rules, which govern a man's relationships with others: What he requires in another, what he forbids in another and what he regards with indifference as being entirely the concern of another. BRT:7:32 There are three things, which shatter a man's life: An unfaithful

wife, invasion by foreigners and a crippling disease. BRT:7:33 There are three principles of greatness: Obedience to the law, concern for the welfare of the community and the ability to suffer with

fortitude all the blows of fate. BRT:7:34 There are three states of being: That of God in the Great Circle, that of Spirit in the Outer Circle and that of Matter in the Inner Circle. BRT:7:35 There are three duties of parenthood: To protect, to cherish and

to educate the child. BRT:7:36 There are three duties of a child towards its parents:

Obedience, Respect and Loyalty. BRT:7:37 There are three qualities of a husband: Consideration, Protectiveness and Care. BRT:7:38 There are three essentials of manhood: Courage, Fortitude and


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