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# 1916, книга: Свирепый чёрт Лялечка
автор: Владимир Иванович Черепнин

Владимир Черепнин представляет нам «Свирепого чёрта Лялечку», уморительную фантастическую комедию, которая обязательно заставит вас улыбнуться. Главная героиня, Лялечка, — совсем не типичный чёрт. Вместо того, чтобы сеять страх и ужас, она обладает очаровательным характером и невинной натурой. Когда она по ошибке попадает в мир людей, все вокруг нее оказываются под ее чарами. От чопорных аристократов до находчивых гномов Черепнин создает яркий и разнообразный калейдоскоп персонажей, каждый из...


Janice Manning - The Kolbrin Bible: 21st Century Master Edition

The Kolbrin Bible: 21st Century Master Edition
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The Kolbrin Bible: 21st Century Master Edition
Janice Manning


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Millennia ago, Egyptian and Celtic authors recorded prophetic warnings for the future and their harbinger signs are now converging. These predictions are contained in The Kolbrin Bible, a secular wisdom text studied in the days of Jesus and lovingly preserved by generations of Celtic mystics in Great Britain. Nearly as big as the King James Bible, this 3600-year old text warns of an imminent, Armageddon-like conflict with radical Islam, but this is not the greatest threat. The authors of The Kolbrin Bible predict an end to life as we know it, by a celestial event. It will be the return of a massive space object, in a long elliptical orbit around our sun. Known to the Egyptians and Hebrews as the "Destroyer," the Celts later called it the "Frightener."

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of itself, does not make them wise. Wisdom is like a handful of seeds plucked from the seedbag. There is no value in them unless they be sown, nurtured and


BRT:6:48 "Be ever mindful of what is done. Know the body as it deals with the outside. A man thinks to himself, 'This body I wear as a garment is what I make of it.' He does not neglect the body and is always aware of its existence and activities. This awareness is called mindfulness. Through bodily contemplation, a state of mindfulness is reached." BRT:6:49 "The mindful man is ever conscious of every action and its consequences. He knows what he does, whether standing still or engaged in some activity. Whatever the body does, he is aware of it and he has it under control. He knows his body to be filled with a variety of contents, he regards it as a pedlar's bag. Examine the body daily, in contemplation, and thus

develop mindfulness." BRT:6:50 "Contemplate the body made of earthly elements in solitude and know that, which contemplates is the spirit. Think of the body as if dead.

What enlivens it? What is life? Be mindful of all your feelings. If experiencing something unpleasant, be mindful that this is so. Be mindful of all the activity about you, of the sighing of the wind, of the song of birds, the rustle of grass and the whispers of leaves." BRT:6:51 "Know the difference between that, which is generated by the body and that, which is generated by the spirit, Abide in the mindfulness of feelings. Teach the body to know itself more fully and to comprehend more of its surroundings. When a man is mindful of what flows from the body and what flows from the spirit, then he knows he is body and soul." BRT:6:52 "Be mindful of what is good and what is bad. Thoughts become confused when undirected; so, like horses, they must be kept in hand through the restrictions of bridle and reins. There are lofty thoughts and base thoughts, thoughts which arise through the prompting of the body urges and thoughts which arise through the purifying prompting of love." BRT:6:53 "The wise man dwells in mindfulness of all things, not overlooking the urges towards indolence, ill will, resentment, worry and wavering indecision. Be mindful of ideas and ideals. Be mindful of the full working of the eyes, the nose, the mouth, the ears and the skin." BRT:6:54 "The true way is the overcoming of self and the mastery over earthly conditions, for as a man changes himself so does he change his condition. Man must be able to say, This is of me and this is not of me. This is me or this is not me. He must divide himself in two in mindfulness, knowing what is of the Earth and what is of the spirit." BRT:6:55 "He must travel the great path, conscious of his twinself. He should observe others, whether or not they have the quality of mindfulness. He must be self-possessed by his own spirit. The self-possessed man acts with composure, is mindful and self-aware. The man of turmoil is he who goes abroad with senses unguarded. Without mindfulness, he is unsteady and

unstable in thought.." BRT:6:56 "The godly life is one, which attracts friendship, which is the appreciated revelation of beauty. It is the search for beauty in all things. The holy prophet, in his austere, dank, dark cell, is not truly holy. The long-faced

preacher is not truly holy."

BRT:6:57 "The godly life is associated with beauty. Whenever a man

reaches out after the beauty found in purity of spirit, he is uplifted. It is by not understanding the true nature of godliness that men have become entangled like fowls in a net. They are like leather covered with mildew, like logs

encased with moss." BRT:6:58 "Godliness is attained by abandoning worthless things, by not falling into the fallacies of unchastity, by the repulse of sensuality and the repudiation of evil. This can be done by mindfulness of such things." BRT:6:59 "When a master takes an apprentice, he gives the first lesson: 'Come and be disciplined, learn restraint and obligation. Learn right behaviour.' When the pupil is controlled, then he gets the second lesson. The master says, 'Seeing things with the eye, do not be misled by their outward appearance. Be mindful as to what they do to you. See with your mind all that the eye sees, and so it is with all the senses. Be aware of everything; experience all things, but do not become immersed in anything.'" BRT:6:60 "For man is shut off from the spirit by mindlessness. As he becomes more aware of the material things and happenings about him, so does he more and more become mindful of the spirit. He who says, 'I have no feeling of the spirit,' is a man of small mindfulness. He is mindful of what is at his hand, but unmindful of what lies beyond. What lies beyond forms a veil, through which he cannot see. How can a man mindful only of what holds his immediate attention be aware of the world beyond his narrow


BRT:6:61 "Be like the spirit-filled Earth, who accepts unto herself all the foulness, which you cast out of your body and cleanses and purifies it. She is

neither disgusted nor delighted, but transmutes it. Water accepts both foul and fair, for from its embrace, both emerge together in goodness. The wind is not disgusted with the foul smells of Earth, but mixes them with the essences of earthlife so they are sources of fragrance."

BRT:6:62 "Practise kindness, compassion, poise and decorum. Contemplate beauty and banish ugliness. Contemplate virtue and goodness, and banish carnality. Contemplate the eternal and banish impermanence. For all things of Earth must decay and pass away, and it is the destiny of every human being to embark on the dark adventure." BRT:6:63 Thus, the master spoke and he said, "You must accept any intelligent person into the sheepfold. Accept all who are willing to follow the light of our way. I say this, not desiring to win followers or wishing to turn others from their ways if they walk in light. I seek only those who walk in darkness or seek a better light." BRT:6:64 "For all journey towards The One Light, but not seeing it in its perfection, they must travel by the reflection they see. Each sees a different reflection, and therefore, men dispute among themselves as to the nature of the truth behind it all. Be not one who indulges in such futile foolishness."

BRT:6:65 "Never judge virtue by outward appearance, for then, the evildoer as well as the saint may lay claim to it. An artful imposter may gain more admiration than is given to the zeal of a saint. Do not nourish the cankerworms of malice, hatred, envy and jealousy within your bosom." BRT:6:66 "It is truly said that the heart of man is a labyrinth. Goodness is not merely a matter of right action, it includes bravely enduring and surmounting difficulties. The final test of character is when trouble comes in strength. Then, the question is not so much whether a man does what is right, as to whether he can stand up, with integrity, to what life does to him. The anvil stands steady when the hammer falls." BRT:6:67 "Manliness involves recovery from every moral failure. It involves the retention of honour. What honour is to man, chastity is to woman. Honour and manliness endow a man with inner strength. His slightest word, his very presence, bring peace and leaves others strengthened.

No man or woman, no matter how humble, can be really good without the Earth being better for it, without someone being helped and comforted by that


BRT:6:68 "Words such as these blow against the whirlwind of human nature; yet, they are the stuff of the spirit. When the breaths of the multitude blow back the whirlwind, then has life fulfilled its


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