Библиотека knigago >> George R R Martin


# 2338, книга: Волшебный улов
автор: Юрий Евгеньевич Деген

"Волшебный улов" Юрия Дегена - это сокровищница поэзии, приглашающая читателей окунуться в мир, наполненный воображением и лирическим очарованием. Сборник включает в себя богатое разнообразие стихотворений, каждое из которых представляет собой уникальный улов из мыслей и эмоций поэта. Стихи Дегена отличаются яркой образностью и глубоким пониманием человеческой природы. Он ловко сплетает повседневные наблюдения с философскими размышлениями, создавая стихи, которые одновременно трогают...

Книги автора George R R Martin

George R R MartinGeorge Raymond Richard Martin (born September 20, 1948), sometimes referred to as GRRM, is an American screenwriter and author of fantasy, horror, and science fiction.

He is best known for A Song of Ice and Fire, his bestselling series of epic fantasy novels that HBO adapted for their dramatic pay-cable series Game of Thrones. Martin was selected by Time magazine as one of the "2011 Time 100", a list of the "most influential people in the world".
George R. R. Martin was born on September 20, 1948, in Bayonne, New Jersey, the son of a longshoreman. The family lived in a federal housing project near to the Bayonne docks. Being poor the young Martin lived in his imagination and began writing and selling monster stories for pennies to other neighborhood children, dramatic readings included. He also wrote stories about a mythical kingdom populated by his pet turtles; the turtles died frequently in their toy castle, so he finally decided they were killing off each other in "sinister plots." Martin attended Mary Jane Donohoe School and then later Marist High School. While there he became a comic book fan, developing a strong interest in the innovative superheroes being published by Marvel Comics. Fantastic Four No. 20 (Nov 1963) printed a letter Martin wrote to the editor, the first of many. Other fans wrote him letters, and through such contacts Martin joined the fledgling comics fandom of the era, writing fiction for various fanzines. In 1965 Martin won comic fandom's Alley Award for his prose superhero story "Powerman vs. The Blue Barrier", the first of many awards he would go on to win.

Книги автора на русском языке см. Джордж Рэймонд Ричард Мартин

Список книг (или ознакомительные фрагменты) автора George R R Martin. Жанры написанных книг: Эпическая фантастика, Космическая фантастика, Ужасы, Фэнтези: прочее, Научная Фантастика, Историческая проза, Старинная литература, Городское фэнтези, Постапокалипсис, Любовная фантастика, Новелла.