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Лууле Виилма, автор книги "Исцеление Светом Любви и Прощения", погружает читателей в мир, где любовь и прощение становятся ключами к исцелению и обретению счастья. Эта книга - не просто сборник техник, а руководство по трансформации сознания. Виилма объясняет, как мысли и эмоции влияют на наше физическое здоровье, и предлагает практические упражнения для очищения и исцеления от болезней. Прочитав эту книгу, я поняла, что болезни часто являются проявлениями внутренних конфликтов и...


Журнал «ПОЛИС. Политические исследовния» - ПОЛИС 2007 №03

ПОЛИС 2007 №03
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ПОЛИС 2007 №03
Журнал «ПОЛИС. Политические исследовния»


Политика и дипломатия, Публицистика, Газеты и журналы

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tripartism. Focusing on the evolving institutions of interaction of business, trade unions and the state in regulating the relations at the labour market, the author considers the main stages of their evolution, as well as the formation, in a number of developed countries, the model of "new tripartism", in the framework of which the interaction is embracing a large set of organizations of civil society. As a result, the agenda of the negotiation process is changing, a considerable variety of forms of interaction institutions is observed. What is also changing is the role of business, new forms of interaction are being actively developed, such as the state-private partnership. As for the model of tripartist relations that has formed in Russia, it has a peripheral character; imitating the existing patterns, it does not allow to fill the dialogue with a real content. The article substantiates the thesis of the necessity of renovating the existing system, of including the structures of civil society into it, of making use of the public chambers, functioning in the center and in regions, for this purpose. Potential difficulties, as well as prospects, of the eventual formation of institutions of "new tripartism" in Russia are analysed.

Ye. S. Alekseyenkova. - Cognitive Mechanisms of Social Networks Integration.

The analysis of social networks is now rather popular in political science, though it appeared quite recently. Nevertheless, the basic mechanisms, lying at the foundation of social networks formation, still fail to constitute scientific matter at issue. The author of the article tackles the problem of cognitive integration of social networks, analyses its reasons and mechanisms: what integrates individuals, who often have different social positions, interests, backgrounds, levels of education etc., into one social network, inside of which just the number of common cognitive constructions, that determine the shared world-view, are circulating? The article offers a hypothesis, according to which the basic integrating mechanisms are "virus-images" that form the world-view of social networks. New interpretation of researches in the fields of ethology and cultural anthropology allowed the author to empirically corroborate the presupposition that integration through images is the most deeply rooted and the most stable as compared with other types of integration. The article also proposes a new methodological approach to the investigation of integrating images by means of text-analysis.

O. Ch. Reut. - Adjectives of Sovereignty. Sovereignty as an Adjective.

The article considers Russian discourse of sovereignization. The necessity to approach to the understanding of questions of expediency and possibility to retain or reduce state sovereignty is

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regarded as one of urgent tasks confronting the Russian political class and the country's community of researchers in the field of political science. Processes of sovereignization and desov-ereignization are the object of research in the article, and the subject of analysis is constituted by discursive strategies determining modern mind's "reading" of the concept of sovereignty. The whole complex of discursive strategies is regarded as a discursive practice.

M. V. Gavrilova. - Modernization of Russian Political Discourse in the Aspect of Meanings Read into Notions (With the Explication of the Concept "State" as an Example).

The subject considered in the article consists in the problems of reinterpretation of the concept "state" in the periods of transformation of the Russian statehood (at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries). Investigating particular features of the explication of the concept "state" (the key one in Russian political discourse through the 20th century) in the Russian presidents' inaugurals, the author reveals its prototypical structure. The author researches those particularities of the conceptualization of the notion "state", which reflect the changes of the Russian political system in the late 20th - early 21st centuries.

In the Search of Politics (Materials of a "Round Table" Discussion in Honour of the H. Arendt Centenary).

The subject of the discussion is the significance of the ideas of Hannah Arendt (1906 - 1975) for politico-philosophical discourse of the 20th century. The participants disclose the originality of H. Arendt's political philosophy, fairness and transparency of her politico-philosophical views, importance of her conceptions of the political, of political events, of totalitarianism and of mass society, of power and state, of virtue and humanity - for the understanding of the contemporary world. The core point, as exposed in the discussion, is H. Arendt's idea of close relations between philosophy and politics.

Ya. A. Plyays. - New Stage in the Development of Political Science in Russia.

The processes of official recognition and institutionalization of political science in the USSR/RF, of the formation of the professional community's infrastructure are investigated in the article. The author analyses the Higher Certifying Commission's statistics for the period of 1990 to 2006 in their different aspects, discusses problems and consequences of the processes of dissertation boards' reorganization. The analysis carried out allows to ascertain the indubitable quantitative growth and qualitative development of political science in Russia.

S. Yu. Barsukova. - "Empire", or Farewell to Modernity.

The author shares with the readers her reflections on the book "Empire" by M. Hardt and A. Negri. The book is, undoubtedly, one of the most authoritative neo-Marxist works, concentrated on a new world order. The authors' position is definitely announced: we are living at the times of Empire. There has been nothing of this kind ever before, and the so-called empires of the past were nothing more than imperialist projects. The Empire whose springing up is taking place before our eyes, means that the epoch of the Modern has reached its end. What has come is a new world order, whose economic nerve is the world market and whose organizational structure is presented by global networks of market exchange. The Empire is forming the political unity of the world, as well as the global market. The questions of how this order has been taking shape, what is the mechanism of its implementation, how social institutions, labour relations, practices of racism, international norms etc. are changing in this connection, do not receive a definite answer, but the version presented by the authors of the book, is certainly worthy of note.

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