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# 2964, книга: Моя весна
автор: Андрей Грошев

"Моя весна" Андрея Грошева - пронзительная драма, заставляющая замереть сердце. Откровенные истории о любви и сострадании на фоне грозных событий Великой Отечественной войны пробирают до мурашек. Самиздатское издание дает этой книге особый шарм. В ней есть что-то интимное, словно читаешь личный дневник автора. Герои настолько живые и настоящие, что кажется, будто они стоят плечом к плечу с тобой. Каждый рассказ - это отдельное полотно, мастерски нарисованное автором. Любовь в...

Журнал «ПОЛИС. Политические исследовния» - ПОЛИС 2007 №03

ПОЛИС 2007 №03
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ПОЛИС 2007 №03
Журнал «ПОЛИС. Политические исследовния»


Политика и дипломатия, Публицистика, Газеты и журналы

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Виктор Сидоров (КазГУ) и Станислав Терентьев (Ю-УрГУ) - 3 место. В номинации "Политологический тест": Андрей Шуклин (ТюмГУ) - 1 место; Александр Мудров (НГУ)- 2 место; Станислав Терентьев (Ю-УрГУ) - 3 место. В номинации "Редакторование научных и специальных текстов": Алексей Шабуров (УрГУ) - 1 место; Илья Рябков (НГУ) - 2 место; Михаил Быстряков (НГУ) -

3 место. В номинации "Ролевая игра": Андрей Булыгин (СГУ) - 1 место; Григорий Козлов (УрГУ) - 2 место; Михаил Горбачев (СГУ) - 3 место.

На заключительной пресс-конференции была подчеркнута важность проведения ежегодных олимпиад как для студентов-политологов, так и для политической науки в целом. Участие в подобных олимпиадах не только повышает интерес студентов к выбранной специальности и способствует развитию горизонтальных связей между студентами и преподавателями разных вузов, но и может стать ещё одним каналом развития российского сообщества политологов.


стр. 187

постоянный адрес статьи : http://www.ebiblioteka.ru/sources/article.jsp?id=12302347

Заглавие статьи SUMMARIES
Источник ПОЛИС. Политические исследования, № 3, 2007, C. 188-190
Место издания Москва, Россия
Объем 13.1 Kbytes
Количество слов 1878
Постоянный адрес статьи http://www.ebiblioteka.ru/sources/article.jsp?id=12302348


V.A. Dubovtsev, N.S. Rozov. - The Nature of "Russian Power": from Metaphors to a Conception.

In their article, the two scholars undertake an attempt of conceptualization of steadily reproduced particular features of Russian autocracy-type political regimes in their different historical forms - from the form of Grand Dukedom to the presidential one. The authors offer a critical analysis of the "Russian power" conception introduced by Yu. S. Pivovarov and A. I. Fursov, of its metaphoric properties and concrete socio-political content. The article develops the vision of a "vertical agreement" between the people and the power, interprets, from this angle, the key stages of Russia's recent political history. A complex of hypotheses is formulated, that are to explain the historically cyclic character of autocracy, as well as to outline an answer to the question about the conditions of transformation of the "Russian power" into something more acceptable.

V. B. Pastukhov. - Sombre Age (Post-Communism as a "Black Hole" of Russian History).

It is in the context of ideas of "new Middle Ages" that the author is carrying out his analysis of post-Communist transformations of Russian society. He reads into the " Middle Ages" notion - following J.Jacobs - first of all, a philosophical and culturological meaning of a universal historical buffer separating the dying-away of one civilization from the generation of another - at the same place. The author analyses the processes of "evolution of the chaos" of the post-Communist period, the opportunities and dangers Russia faces today and is yet about to face.

A. I. Lipkin. - Russian Autocratic System of Rule.

The article offers an attempt to present a system of notions required for an adequate description of cyclic processes in Russian political history of the 18th - 20th centuries. The author's concept emphasizes two main points. First, that Russia belongs to the autocratic system of rule, typical for non-European societies, which is based on masses (peasant masses initially and urban - nowadays) that always delegate responsibility for state government to a tsar, who creates the estate of agents (nobles as the tsar's servants) for administering the masses. Second, that these agents become accustomed to Western culture and education, based on anti-autocratic ideals of individual freedom and law; it was an objective process of "catching-up" Europe in the military and technological spheres since the 18th century. As a result, this autocratic system began to swing between (1) reforms under the slogan "Russia is a European state", which are useful for the process of catching-up, but unhealthy for autocracy-type system of rule, and (2) counter-reforms under the slogan "Russia is not Europe", which are useful for the latter, but unhealthy for the former. And the stability of this swinging (in the agent stratum mainly) of the autocratic system of rule is based on masses.

S. V. likhonova. - Communication Revolution Today: Information and Network.

The article deals with the modern communication revolution interpreted by the author as a transition from computer communication to net communication. The inculcation of computer into the social life resulted in the formation of a unique communication environment made up of computer networks. Synthesizing the mass, group, personal and anonymous communications, the Internet has thus constituted the basis of new social forms. Their popularity and mass character have been provided by the joining of mobile telephony and computer technologies, which has proved to be the source of permeability of all levels of the communication space. The soon-to-be mergence of the virtual and the social worlds is to signify a new wave of the communication revolution.

стр. 188

S. N. Pshizova. - Politics as a Business: Russian Version (II).

In the second part of the article (for its first part see Polis, 2007, No. 1), particular features and prerequisites of the formation of extra-electoral political market are considered. As opposed to the space of the functioning of public representative institutions, which was for the most part of the 20th century taken up by ideological and social identifications, the system of functional representation related to the activities of pressure groups was, from the very outset, based on principles of pragmatic exchange and market competition. The conformity of these principles with the idea of pluralistic democracy is very questionable. But today, in the author's opinion, against the background of the widespread expansion of functional representation, rapprochement of the principles of functioning of electoral and extra-electoral spaces is to be observed, which creates conditions for the formation of an integral market-oriented political sphere. Marketization of politics stimulates professionalization of political activities and promotes change of functions of traditional democratic institutions, simultaneously encouraging the cultivation of business strategies by all the main actors. In Russian (radical) version, it means that the matter of real distribution of societal resources is transferred into the sphere of functional representation, whereas the electoral process acquires features of a political performance thoroughly staged by professionals.

S. P. Peregudov. - Tripartist Institutions in the West and in Russia: Problems of Updating.

The task S.P. Peregudov sets himself in his article, is to analyse the history and modern practices of social partnership in countries of the West, as well as problems of Russian --">

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