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"Метрополис. Индийская гробница" - увлекательный классический приключенческий роман Теа фон Харбоу, который погружает читателя в загадочный мир прошлого. Главный герой, профессор Фриц Ланге, отправляется в Индию в поисках легендарной гробницы, скрывающей древние секреты и сокровища. Путешествие приводит его к столкновению с опасностями, ловушками и соперничающими экспедициями, которые также стремятся завладеть гробницей. В этой захватывающей истории автор мастерски сочетает элементы...

Павел Петрович Литвинов - Основы английского языка. Грамматика, словарь, устойчивые выражения

Основы английского языка. Грамматика, словарь, устойчивые выражения
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Основы английского языка. Грамматика, словарь, устойчивые выражения
Павел Петрович Литвинов



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Вы хотите говорить на английском, как на родном языке?

Я знаю, что Вам для этого нужно! Вам нужны слова, правила их связывания в предложения и устойчивые выражения.

1. Вы не знаете английских слов.

Я знаю, как их можно очень быстро и на всю жизнь выучить, как таблицу умножения. Я отобрал минимум и разбил его на блоки, объединенные логической макроструктурой. Память запоминает все с первого раза. Мы не можем извлечь информацию из памяти потому, что нет ассоциации. Я даю Вам ассоциации. Вы будете знать слова, как таблицу-умножения. Подробности смотрите Часть I. Методика овладения словами.

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humour, upset, in a bad mood.
оптимистический optimistic [ɔptɪ'mɪstik] Somebody who is opti­mistic is hopeful about the future.
пессимистический pessimistic [pesɪ'mɪstɪk] Somebody who is pes­simistic thinks that bad things are going to happen.
Эмоциональная оценка
хороший good [gud] Something that is good is pleasant/ of high quality/ successful. If you say that a sutuation or idea is good you mean it is desireble, acceptable, or right.
плохой bad [bæd] Something that is bad is unpleasant, harmful, undesirable/is of unacceptably low standard, quality or amount, интересный interesting ['ɪntrɪstɪŋ] Ifyou find something interesting it attracts your attention.
скучный tiresome ['taɪəsəm] A person or thing that is tiresome makes you feel bored.
надоедливый boring [Ъэ:пд] Something that is toriwgis so uninter­esting that it makes people tired and impatient.
приятный pleasant [pleznt] Something that is pleasant is nice, en­joyable, or attractive.
приятный agreeable [ə'gnəbl] If something is agreeable it is pleas­ant.
неприятный disgusting [dɪs'gʌstɪŋ] If you say that something is di$' gusting, you mean that it is extremely unpleasant.
неприятный unpleasant [ʌn'pleznt] If you say that something is pleasant it gives you bad feeling by making you upset, uncom­fortable, or frightened.
отталкивающий repulsive [n'pʌlsɪv] Something that is repulsive^ disgusting.
опийный excellent ['eksəɪənt] Something that is excellent is very good indeed.
^вершенный perfect l'pə:fikt] Something that is perfect is as good as it can possibly be.
красивый beautiful [^u:təful] A beautiful woman is very attractive to look at.
великолепный splendid ['splendid] Splendid means excellent.
великолепный gorgeous ['gɔ:ʤəs].
великолепный magnificent [mæg'mfɪsnt].
отвратительный abominable [эЪоттэЫ] Abominable means very unpleasant or very bad.
красивый lovely ['lʌvlɪ] Somebody or something that is lovely is very beautiful.
обворожительный charming ['ʧæmɪŋ] If somebody is charming, he is very pleasant and attractive.
милый nice [naɪs] If you say that something is nice, you mean that you find it enjoyable, pleasant, or attractive.
привлекательный pretty ['pntɪ] If you describe especially a girl, as pretty, you mean that she is nice to look at and attractive in a delicate way.
симпатичный (мужчина) handsome ['hænsəm] A man who is hand­some has an attractive face with regular features.
безобразный ugly ['ʌglɪ] Somebody or something that is ugly is very unattractive and unpleasant to look at.
привлекательный attractive [ə'træktɪv] A person who is attractive is pretty or handsome.
непривлекательный unattractive [ʌnə'træktɪv] Unattractive people and things are unpleasant in their appearance or behavior.
Ор~енки эмоций
взволнованный agitated ['æʤɪteɪtɪd] If something agitates you, it worries you and makes you unable to think clearly or calmly. взв°лнованный excited [ɪk'saɪtɪd] If you are excited, you are so happy that you are full of energy and cannot relax.
^волнованный uneasy [ʌn'i:zɪ] If you are uneasy, you feel anxious that something may be wrong or that there may be danger. (If you are anxious, you are nervous or worried about something).
фотанный moved [mu:vd] If you are moved, you feel a deep ern°tion, usually sadness or sympathy.
волнующий disturbing [dɪs'təbɪŋ] Something that is disturbings^ you feel worried or upset.
волнующий exiting [ɪk'saɪtrŋ] Something that is exiting causes yOu to feel exited.
волнующий moving ['mu:vɪŋj Something that is moving causes yOu to feel a deep emotion, usually sadness or sympathy.
трогательный touching ['tʌʧɪŋ] Something that is touching, cau$e$ feelings of sadness and sympathy.
испуганный frightened ['fraɪtnd] If you are frightened, you are afraid because of something that has happened or may happen.
испуганный scared [skɛəd] Scared means frightened.
испуганный startled ['stætld] If something such as a sudden noise startles you, it surprises and frightens you slightly.
страшный fearful ['fiəful] Somebody who is fearful is very unpleas­ant or bad.
ужасный terrible ['terəbɪ] If you describe something as terrible, you think that it is very serious and unpleasant.
опасный dangerous ['demʤrəs] Something that is dangerous is able or likely to hurt or harm you.
ужасный awful ['ɔ:ful] If you say that something is awful, you mean that it is very unpleasant, shocking, or bad.
шокирующий shocking ['ʃɔkɪŋ] Something that is shocking makes people feel upset or angry.
удивленный astonished [əs'tɔnɪʃt] If you are astonished, you are ven surprised about something.
удивленный surprised [sə'praɪzd] If you are surprised by something, you have a feeling of surprise, because it is unexpected or uæ usual.
удивленный amazed [ə'meɪzd] Amazed means very surprised.
удивительный astonishing [əs'tɔnʧɪŋ] Something that is astonishing is very surprising.
удивительный surprising [sə'praɪzɪŋ] Something that is surprising ^ unexpected or unusual.
чудесный wonderful ['wʌndəful] If you describe something as won­derful, you mean that it is makes you feel very happy an^ pleased/ or you mean that it is very impressive or successful-
сердитый angry ['æŋgnj When you are angry, you feel or show strong emotion about something that you consider unfair, cruel, insulting.
пдитый cross [krɔs] Somebody who is cross is rather angry.
осКорбленный offended [ə'fendɪdj If somebody is offended, he is upset or embarrassed. (Embarrassed means shy or ashamed).
обиженный hurt[həl] Ifyou are hurt, you are upset because of some­thing that has said or done.
оскорбительный insulting [ɪn'sʌltɪŋ] Insulting words offend people because they are rude.
оскорбительный abusive [ə'bju:sɪv] Somebody who is abusive says or writes rude or unkind things.
оскорбительный offensive [ə'fensɪv] Something that is offensive up­sets or embarrasses people because it is rude or insulting.
странный strange [streɪnʤ].
Основные характеристики
благородный noble ['noubl] Somebody who is noble is honest, brave, and unselfish, and deserves admiration and respect. (Unself­ish people think about other people’s wishes).
достойный worthy ['wəðɪ] A worthy person deserves people’s re­spect or admiration.
приличный decent ['di:snt] You use decent to describe something which is morally correct or acceptable.
приличный seemly ['si:mlɪ] Seemly means decent.
подлый mean lmi:n] Somebody who is mean is unkind to some­body
подлый base [beɪs] Base is the same as vile.
подлый vile [vail] If you say that somebody is vile, you are empha­sizing how unpleasant he is and how much you dislike him.
честный honest ['ɔnɪst] Somebody who is honest about something is completely truthful about it and does not hide anything.
справедливый fair [fɛə] Something or somebody that is fair is rea­sonable, right, and just.
Искренний sincere [sɪn'sɪə] If you are sincere, you say the things that you really --">

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