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# 2236, книга: Зоопарк
автор: Владимир Александрович Степанов

"Зоопарк" - это очаровательное собрание детских стихов, которые переносят читателей в увлекательный мир животных. Книга написана Владимиром Степановым, известным автором детских стихотворений. Каждое стихотворение - это живая зарисовка, которая знакомит детей с различными животными. От игривых обезьянок до величественных львов, каждое стихотворение захватывает уникальные черты и поведение конкретного животного. Стихи Степанова пронизаны юмором, игривостью и глубокой любовью к...


Яна Кане - Зимородок

Книга - Зимородок.  Яна Кане  - прочитать полностью в библиотеке КнигаГо
Яна Кане



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Краткое содержание книги "Зимородок"

Яна Кане родилась и выросла в Ленинграде. Она начала писать стихи в детстве, была одним из ранних участников поэтической студии Вячеслава Лейкина при газете «Ленинские Искры». Подростком Кане эмигрировала в США. Она получила степень бакалавра по информатике в Принстонском университете, затем степень доктора философии в области статистики в Корнеллском университете. Работает статистиком. Её стихи, проза и эссе неоднократно печатались в русских, американских и западноевропейских изданиях. В книге «Зимородок / Kingfisher» на равных правах сосуществуют англоязычные, русскоязычные и двуязычные тексты. Книга эта состоялась по инициативе Дмитрия Быкова. Он так отозвался о литературной судьбе её автора: «Это двойное существование («на пороге как бы двойного бытия», как писал Тютчев, вероятно, самый близкий ей поэт) – первый такой случай в литературе. Большинство билингвов, переходя на другой язык, остаются собой. Кане по-английски – это другая личность с другой памятью. … И это первый случай, когда я не жалею о том, что талантливый поэт уехал из России. Собственно, он эмигрировал в литературу, а это лучшее, что можно сделать с собой».

К этой книге применимы такие ключевые слова (теги) как: современная поэзия,циклы стихов,философская поэзия,лирическая поэзия,двуязычная литература (билингва),поэтические переводы

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no elephants, no turtles,

No hand of Providence

For the world to rest on.

What keeps the planet in orbit

Is its unwavering observance

Of “the laws of nature”.

But what is inside those words?

Dead force?

A command backed by fear?

A solemn promise given long ago?

Or a bitter-sweet journey

On a freely chosen path?

Creation stories

To Orna Greenberg

In the story

Of the first creation

The Divine power

Lifts the supple clay,

To mold His image,

To imprint Her likeness.

The Divine breath

Enters the human shape,

Calls it to life.

The potter’s hands

Explore a lump of clay,

Stroke, press in

The hollow of the vessel,

Form the plump lip,

Extend the graceful neck.

The artist dips the brush

Now into paint, now into water.

An image blossoms:

Ocher and sienna blend;

The colors thicken —

Shadows outline the round rim,

The colors thin —

Light curves down the glazed flank.


Lift the clay jar,

Gaze at the painting,

Read these lines,


Have the power

To breathe into a creation

Awareness, thought, meaning,



It is possible to escape,

To hide from the darkness:

Squeeze your eyes shut,

Press hard on the eyelids.

Circles of phantom fire

Will blaze in front of your staring pupils.

Let us trade: I would barter

My past, my memory,

For a handful of stars,

For the dimmest of constellations…

But you drive a hard bargain

By simply refusing to exist.

In a blind rage

I splinter my heart into kindling,

Pour gasoline,

Set the whole mess aflame,

Watch as it burns to ashes.

But it keeps on beating,

It keeps on beating in the darkness.

There is nothing to do but sit.

Stare into the void.

Read the blanks on the empty page,

Over and over,

Till they form a pattern,

Till the repetition yields a meaning:

“Let there be darkness, for there is.”

There is darkness.

There is darkness.

There is darkness.

All there is, is darkness.

Until slowly, slowly

Contours form,

A faint outline emerges:

“Let there also be light.”


we create a thin veneer of simplicity and predictability

over terrifyingly unmanageable chaos

and call it reality.

Anastasya Shepherd
We call it reality

And consider the matter settled,

So we can turn our attention to

Making sandwiches for the school lunchbox,

Submitting the quarterly forecast report,

Walking the dog,

Writing the thank you note.

At least, that is how it is

For some of us,

Some of the time.

We collect data about it,

Quantify the uncertainty

Of our measurements,

Publish papers in academic journals.

We put ironic quotation marks

Around its edges,

Take selfies.

We blaze with anger about what it is,

Emblazon on our banners

What we want it to be.

We split into tribes, go to war,

Mangle and kill each other

Under the pretext

That there is one right way,

One right answer to every question

About the definition

Of a pin, a dance, an angel;

About the way to count how many…

We beat our heads against it,

Search for the path, the mantra, the koan,

Meditate, keep diaries,

Create sand mandalas of great beauty,

Sweep all the colors together,

Let the river carry them away

As we fall into insanity,

Rise to enlightenment,

Or the other way around.

We pick it up like a toy, a ball.

We run across sunlit grass,


Tossing it back and forth.

We forget it in the gathering dusk

Under the lilac bushes.

It is time to go back in,

To get some sleep.

At least, that is how it is

For some of us,

Some of the time.


Proof by construction is the path

That God Himself has set in math.

To prove that chaos can be transformed

Into a world, the world was formed.

A choir of angels came to be

Singing: “Hosanna! QED!”

But man, a thing of clay and dust,

Had little wit and too much trust.

Soon he was fooled and led astray.

And we, his children, to this day

Remain a weak and bounded race.

Induction for the finite case

Is all we do, till in the end

Each one must meet the final N.

But there is yet a baser proof.

It’s branded by a fiery hoof.

Proof by negation seeks to alter

The very truth. And should you falter,

And in your pride or desperation

Seek to invoke the dark negation,

Repent! Or you should ever rue

Your “Let the opposite be true”.

Double Negative

It is like a sword that wounds, but cannot wound itself…

Zenrinkushu translated by R. Blyth
Nothing is certain.

Nothing can be guaranteed.

Not even nothing.

American Gothic

She dressed properly,

She spoke quietly,

She loved modestly,

She died peacefully.

Harmless, humble,

God's lamb…



Loss drives concealed love

To go supernova.

It blows its cover

With a flood of blinding light.

It bursts out,

Piercing space with rays of radiation.

It screams and screams,

Pressing hard against the walls of reality,

Pushing apart the boundaries

Of the universe.

Trees dreaming in winter

In deep winter the sleeping trees

Dream of branching out,

Spreading wider

Than the reach of their earthly life.

Their roots drink in the stillness that pools

Beneath all layers of the ground.

Their crowns bloom with constellations.

They hum and sing with winged beings

Who are tinier than the smallest insect,

Greater than the largest bird.

They drop their luminous fruit

Into the stream

That flows far beyond

The shores of the known world.

Soap bubble

God as a soap bubble:

Water, breath, form.

Sublime, radiant,

Evanescent, eternal,

Emerging again and again,

Beguiling the senses

With rainbow illusions,

Holding the light of existence

With perfect clarity.


Indigo and russet dandy,

Fearless diver,

You plunge from a tree

Into a stream;

Burst from the water

Into the sky.

Hungry hunter,

You snatch living quicksilver

From the swift current.

In your sharp beak

Quivers my soul.

Глина Стихи на русском языке


Как луч, преображённый витражом,

Как воздух, в слово перекованный в гортани,

Душа желает влажной глиной стать,

Во всём покорной всемогущей длани.

Пускай пройти придётся сквозь огонь,

И век служить, и не копить заслуг,

Она желает и творит себе сама

Предназначение, и гончара, и круг.


Торговцы счастьем, продавцы спасенья

Лукаво зазывают: «Выбирай —

Душа иль тело, вечность иль мгновенье,

Там в ад дорога, тут тропинка в рай».

Но, страха и --">

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