Библиотека knigago >> Tom Clancy


# 1995, книга: Прыжок в ничто
автор: Александр Романович Беляев

"Прыжок в ничто" классика советской научной фантастики, написанная маэстро жанра Александром Беляевым. Роман погружает читателей в захватывающее путешествие времени и пространства, исследуя границы человеческих возможностей и этические последствия научного прогресса. История разворачивается вокруг Николая Стаханова, молодого изобретателя, который создает машину времени, способную переносить сознание в тела людей из прошлого. Охваченный любопытством и желанием исправить исторические...


Книги автора Tom Clancy

Tom ClancyThomas Leo "Tom" Clancy, Jr. (born April 12, 1947) is an American author, best known for his technically-detailed espionage, military science, and techno thriller storylines set during and in the aftermath of the Cold War, along with video games on which he did not work, but which bear his name for licensing and promotional purposes. His name is also a brand for similar movie scripts written by ghost writers and many series of non-fiction books on military subjects and merged biographies of key leaders. He is Vice Chairman of Community Activities and Public Affairs, as well as a part-owner of the MLB Baltimore Orioles.
Clancy was born in Baltimore, Maryland. He attended Loyola Blakefield in Towson, Maryland, graduating with the class of 1965.<1> He then attended Loyola College in Baltimore, graduating in 1969. Before making his literary debut, he spent some time running an independent insurance agency. This agency thrived for a few years before joining a group of investors.
Clancy and his first wife Wanda married in 1969, separated briefly in 1995, and permanently separated in December 1996. Clancy filed for divorce in November 1997, which became final in January 1999.
In 1993, Tom Clancy joined a group of investors that included Peter Angelos and bought the Baltimore Orioles from Eli Jacobs. In 1998, he reached an agreement to purchase the Minnesota Vikings, but had to abandon the deal because of the divorce settlement cost.
On June 26, 1999, Clancy married freelance journalist Alexandra Marie Llewellyn, whom he had met in 1997.<6> Llewellyn is the daughter of J. Bruce Llewellyn, and a family friend of Colin Powell, who originally introduced the couple to each other.
In 2008, the French video game manufacturer Ubisoft purchased the use of Clancy's name for an undisclosed sum. It has been used in conjunction with video games and related products such as movies and books.

Список книг (или ознакомительные фрагменты) автора Tom Clancy. Жанры написанных книг: Научная Фантастика, Боевик, Шпионский детектив, Триллер, Детские приключения, Старинная литература, Технические науки, Биографии и Мемуары, Документальная литература.