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"Джотто и ораторы" Майкла Баксандалла - захватывающая книга, которая предлагает уникальный взгляд на развитие западной живописи. Баксандалл исследует, как итальянские гуманисты эпохи Возрождения писали о живописи, раскрывая их влияние на понимание и практику искусства. Автор мастерски анализирует тексты Данте, Петрарки и других, выявляя, как лингвистические структуры формировали их представления о композиции и повествовании. Он утверждает, что эти ранние тексты заложили основу для...



Matthew Costello - Vacation

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Matthew Costello


Ужасы, Постапокалипсис

Изадано в серии:



Thomas Dunne Books

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In the near future after a global crisis causes crops to fail and species to disappear… something even more deadly happens. Groups of humans around the world suddenly become predators, feeding off their own kind. These “Can Heads” grow to such a threat that fences, gated compounds, and SWAT-style police protection become absolutely necessary in order to live.

After one Can Head attack leaves NYPD cop Jack Murphy wounded, Jack takes his wife and kids on a much-needed vacation. Far up north, to a camp where families can still swim and take boats out on a lake, and pretend that the world isn’t going to hell.

But the Can Heads are never far away, and nothing is quite what it seems in Paterville….

К этой книге применимы такие ключевые слова (теги) как: zombies

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and Vince Mitchell. They took my original short story and—with my blessing—created a powerful screenplay based on that story. This novel is certainly indebted to the creativity, ideas, and writing talent they put into that screenplay. Thanks too to the original publisher of the story, Richard Chizmar, publisher of Cemetery Dance Magazine, and the subsequent anthology that contained the tale. It was inside that anthology that Brendan and Vince first discovered “Vacation,” and then would just never let me forget about it. And as far as Brendan editing this book, every writer should be so lucky. Lastly, it was my wife, Ann, who told me about these guys who called one day and loved this story of mine. I think that somehow she always believed that there was more to come from the tale, and thus—so did I. When she believes, you’d be a fool not to…

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Книгаго: Vacation. Иллюстрация № 2
Книгаго: Vacation. Иллюстрация № 3


Книгаго: Vacation. Иллюстрация № 4 This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, organizations and events portrayed in this novel are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.

VACATION. Copyright © 2011 by Matthew J. Costello. All rights reserved. For information, address St. Martin’s Press, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10010.



Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Costello, Matthew J. (Matthew John), 1948–

Vacation / Matthew J. Costello.

p. cm.

e-ISBN 9781429990511

1. Police—Fiction. 2. Family vacations—Fiction. 3. Cannibalism—Fiction. 4. New York (State)—Fiction. I. Title.

PS3553.O7632V33 2011



First Edition: October 2011


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