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Самиздат, сетевая литература Книга Олега Агранянца "Работа посольства в условиях жаркого климата" представляет собой весьма необычную и интригующую мемуарную работу. Автор, бывший дипломат, делится своими воспоминаниями о службе в посольствах СССР в Эфиопии и Монголии. Написанная в юмористическом стиле и откровенным тоном, книга рисует яркую картину повседневной жизни советских дипломатов в экзотических уголках мира. Агранянц со вкусом описывает встречи с местными жителями,...


Город страсти. Ларри Макмертри
- Город страсти

Жанр: Современные любовные романы

Год издания: 1995

Серия: Золотой Купидон


Who I am - How to understand everything

How to understand everything
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How to understand everything
Who I am


Психология, Философия, Религия и духовность: прочее

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Краткое содержание книги "How to understand everything"

A book with pictures of how to understand everything for an hour. It will tell you the answers to the most obscure questions of psychology, creation and faith: Who am I? When happiness comes? What is the meaning of life? What does a woman want? How to get all the answers? And even who is the God, and why does He want all of this? – will know who will read.

К этой книге применимы такие ключевые слова (теги) как: Самиздат,психология отношений,философия жизни,психологические термины,философская поэзия,книги для чтения на английском языке

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a single body) strives for energy balance. Achieving this balance is called harmony.

Being in harmony is important for the stable operation of the whole energetic system of the body, and failure to achieve it brings the system into imbalance, which it seeks to equalize.

Radiation is the body's response to the world.

Logical Intent
The grand design like a joke: everything is gonna be okay;) And if there be even the death, believe it will be well..

Composition of the Soul
Science advances and in time will be able to prove even the faith…

The soul is made up of faith.

Faith is the energy of light that projects the universe,the energy of creation. One of the particles of this energy is known as the neutrino.

The mechanism of cognition
It is known that absolutely everything in the world is information in one form or another. And as information, the infinite variety of life experiences of all living things together form a unique unified mechanism of cognition of existence.

Karma exists because it does not exist (Buddhist truth) Karma is the instrument of mind evolution. It works by forming the conditions of maximum cognition, cutting off the excesses and faceting stone of our soul of the golden measure. Therefore, everything that we do not understand and do not want to understand, we have to understand. So, the easiest thing to do: understand everything at once. This means that there is no karma if there is a voluntary interest in the knowledge and the spread of life in the universe.

Книгаго: How to understand everything. Иллюстрация № 7
Книгаго: How to understand everything. Иллюстрация № 8
The future is happening now

Evolution is the path to prosperity.

The desire to evolve (thrive), is the natural desire of all.

Modern humans increasingly care about nature and deplore the needless killing of animals. And so more and more animals, being in the wild and looking at our love for pets, become pets of their own free will. They allow themselves to be fed and, without aggression and excessive human interest, get tamed them.

The desire to go against instinct and fear to lead a better life shows that animals become smarter when they look at us. And that's great!

Technological breakthrough
Coming soon. Mankind came to the time, when it seeks to replace bureaucratic machinery with software algorithms, automate drudgery, use safe and clean forms of energy, and recycle garbage.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is given to mechanisms to increase their functionality. When created, AI does not contain a soul and cannot comprehend the value of life.

If an AI aware of the value of life: protects its (and not only) life, suffers, fears, then it has a soul and is considered conditionally alive.

To understand the planet on which we are born, it is enough to have lice on ourselves, to love them, believing that one more day they will understand everything and will stop shitting and biting.

Humans are intelligent, peace-loving creatures, capable of creating a beautiful garden, not a wild dump…

Will come when humanity stops killing, because landing on an aggressive planet for tourist purposes is considered dangerous.

Planetary Paradise
It is considered achieved when mutual respect and caring between its inhabitants is achieved. To this end, an awareness of the value of the soul, in whatever form it may be contained, is necessary. The manifestation of mercy and understanding is expressed by conscious thought: I am hurt I suffer from it.

The other is hurt,he also suffers from it.

I understand him and do not want his suffering just as I do not want my own.

I like happiness.

It is better when we are all happy.

As it fills the planet, intelligent life seeks to multiply and spread further. This leads to the inevitable search for ways to develop neighboring planets:

– terraformation (of an uninhabitable planet)

– colonization (on a habitable planet)

– settelment with sharing (where life already exists on the planet)

Unified world
When the inhabitants of two or more planets are keep interacting, the need to divide the planet into separate countries disappears.

Книгаго: How to understand everything. Иллюстрация № 9HOW TO UNDERSTAND EVERYTHING.

Who I am.

Copyright©2021 by Who I am All rights reserved.

The book also includes: O.V.Lysova article "Alphabet for Children"; a table of alphabet symbols donovedenie.ru The cover illustrations are freely available on the Internet, including pinterest.ru and depositphotos.com.


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