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Александр Александрович Чечитов - How to make life happy psychology in a simple way

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How to make life happy psychology in a simple way
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How to make life happy psychology in a simple way
Александр Александрович Чечитов


Психология, Секс и семейная психология

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As long as you live, you can change the world around you. Love! Live! Translation from Stuart Sturgess. Обложка книги подготовлена автором.

К этой книге применимы такие ключевые слова (теги) как: Самиздат,искусство быть счастливым,рецепты счастья,European Literature,сімейна психологія

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changing dramatically for no apparent reason? Perhaps so, but most likely you just did not want to consider the shortcomings, successfully inventing a wrong image in your head.

Will you try to meet another? How many partners need to be changed to understand that there is no ideal? With a few exceptions, most relationships just get tired. A person gets tired of looking and he comes to the idea that you can get used to someone’s shortcomings. Live this life and time goes. Well, or left alone, which in itself is not very promising. Again, it all depends on personal beliefs. If they are, of course. If you're sad, get up, do something. Crying? Don't get carried away. A lot of people do not admit that they like to feel sorry for themselves, and receive pity from others. But you, if you think you're special, wipe your snot and smile for today. Life goes by a lot faster than you think. It makes a lot of sense that it's finite. In the short time given to you, we need to understand why you're here. Find yourself. But sitting still, and wandering in the vast expanses of reflection and dreams to do so, will not work. As long as you live, you can change the world around you. Love! Go for it! Live!

Forty four year old Sergey, the son of my school physics teacher, lives with his mother. Not an old man, in general. On his head a white cap of white hair. In his eyes, fog. And emptiness inside. It so happened that I had to visit their house several times. The rooms have been under renovation for many years. Here and there lies a construction tool.

Vera Andreyevna prepares delicious, nourishing soup for him. And he sleeps, drunk. There was no celebration, or any substantial reason to drink. He just wanted to. When Serezha wakes up, a tired grimace will appear on his thin face, bristling with sparse hair. His mother at such times, begins to lament. Of course listen to Sergey. He is not willing though, and the dialogue rapidly devolves into a squabble. Vera Andreevna shouts to her son, pointing to sloppiness and irresponsibility. Yes, it's obvious, but first look into her heart. Left without a husband, she protected her son from fights from an early age. He is overprotected and cherished.

Now, Vera Andreyevna laments the ingratitude on his part. It's a shame that her son doesn't appreciate her efforts. It is important to recall that he still lives with his mother. She cooks, washes, and cleans for him. It turns out that the years have passed, but the fundamental nature of their relationship is preserved. What does she want, you ask? The answer is on the surface, she likes it. At the expense of herself and more for Sergei, she continues to babysit him.

There is a trait in some birds, when the chick grows up, the mother pushes it out of the nest. No, nothing more beautiful than that. Faced with a new world, the chick looks for ways to survive. What would have happened if it had not? You can guess.

To the story of Sergei, let us look at the situation from the inside. Life turns to dust, the golden hands begin to tremble. I must say by the way, that the decoration of their house is gorgeous, reflecting a little of his peace of mind. It seems to have everything, but inside it is a mess. Here the mother still give advice. And the remains of pride, still burn, and it turns into a serious conflict. In this situation, everything suits Sergey. He is clothed and lives comfortably. He even smile in response to the comments, but it is rather out of habit. After all, how many ambitions has he had? Who does he blame? Correct! Circumstances, his mother or something else. Millions of reasons are given to avoid another argument. For others it looks like trouble, but in fact they see only the surface. The trick is often hidden under the mask of simplicity. In this case, it is not fully realized. Perhaps Vera Andreevna, long ago realized her mistake, but is afraid to change anything. The circle is closed.

The conclusion is that next to us is the person who we allowed to be close, and that we like these feelings. If there is no water in the river, it dries up. However, when there is, it spills a lot. Both cases are trouble. Appreciate moderation, you can always find a middle ground in your life. Stick to it, and you will be happy.


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