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# 1072, книга: Сочинения в трех томах. Том 1
автор: Роберт ван Гулик

"Сочинения в трех томах. Том 1" Роберта ван Гулика - это сборник новаторских детективных рассказов, которые перенесут вас в захватывающий мир Древнего Китая. Главным героем является судья Ди, умный и справедливый чиновник династии Тан. Его преданная команда помощников, включая Ма Жун и Чжао Тай, помогает ему распутывать загадочные преступления и раскрывать правду. Ван Гулик мастерски изображает эти персонажи, создавая живые и запоминающиеся личности. Сеттинг Древнего Китая...


Бальзак. Стефан Цвейг
- Бальзак

Жанр: Биографии и Мемуары

Год издания: 1962

Серия: Жизнь замечательных людей

Юстасия Тарасава - Apostle

Книга - Apostle.  Юстасия Тарасава  - прочитать полностью в библиотеке КнигаГо
Юстасия Тарасава


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Краткое содержание книги "Apostle"

She says that I am an apostle sent to her personally. A dog that helps a person become a Human…
К этой книге применимы такие ключевые слова (теги) как: Самиздат,жизненный выбор,человек и собака,библиотека современной прозы,дружба и верность

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Юстасия Тарасава Apostle

Apostle. That’s me. I am lying on a painted wooden floor in a strange cold house that is miles away from my mistress. Some people come occasionally (probably, they are the owners of the house) and offer me some food. I don’t want to eat. I want to be with my mistress.

I don’t know what day it is today or how long I have been here. I have lost count of the days. Too many of them have passed since that evening when my mistress left me here. I am waiting for her. She will come back, she surely will.

To be honest, the owners of my present dwelling are kind people. They worry about me and are anxious that I refuse their food and may become ill. Their house is surrounded by a beautiful, but neglected garden. Out of the window one can see a lake that is far away and the woods, surrounding it. Not a single house in the neighbourhood. I understand those who live in out-of-the-way places. These hermits are really kind, but they can’t substitute my mistress…


At first there was darkness. I woke up in something that was warm and very sticky. I stayed there for a while and then decided to get out of this place. I pushed and crawled forward, feeling that somewhere ahead of me there was an exit. The liquid that surrounded me was moving as well. I was trying hard, but had not much strength. Each motion was so tiring, but I made up my mind to get out at all costs. Slowly, but persistently I was moving forward. There came a push, then another one – and suddenly I felt that I was out of my prison. After some convulsive movements I fell on something soft. Having stayed in the darkness for a long time, I was blinded by bright light and lost my bearings. I took my first breath, choked on the liquid that was still around me and coughed loudly. I was born and let everyone present at my birth know about that by this coughing. Someone’s caring hands delivered me from the sticky stuff I felt--">
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