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# 810, книга: Мы 1991 №10
автор: журнал «Мы»

Журнал «Мы» – культовое издание для детей и подростков советской эпохи. Десятый номер за 1991 год представляет собой уникальный срез атмосферы и событий того времени. В этом выпуске читатели найдут статьи о политических переменах, происходивших в стране, и о зарождающейся демократии. Освещаются такие важные темы, как свобода слова и права человека. Журнал не боится поднимать острые вопросы и представляет различные точки зрения. Помимо политической тематики, в номере есть и традиционные...

Ambrose Gwinnett Bierce - The Famous Gilson Bequest

The Famous Gilson Bequest
Книга - The Famous Gilson Bequest.  Ambrose Gwinnett Bierce  - прочитать полностью в библиотеке КнигаГо
The Famous Gilson Bequest
Ambrose Gwinnett Bierce


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into it from a basin some dark substance of dubious consistency, then glided stealthily back to the lowest part of the cemetery. Here the retiring flood had stranded a number of open coffins, about and among which it gurgled with low sobbings and stilly whispers. Stooping over one of these, the apparition carefully brushed its contents into the basin, then returning to its own casket, emptied the vessel into that, as before. This mysterious operation was repeated at every exposed coffin, the ghost sometimes dipping its laden basin into the running water, and gently agitating it to free it of the baser clay, always hoarding the residuum in its own private box. In short, the immortal part of the late Milton Gilson was cleaning up the dust of its neighbors and providently adding the same to its own.

Perhaps it was a phantasm of a disordered mind in a fevered body. Perhaps it was a solemn farce enacted by pranking existences that throng the shadows lying along the border of another world. God knows; to us is permitted only the knowledge that when the sun of another day touched with a grace of gold the ruined cemetery of Mammon Hill his kindliest beam fell upon the white, still face of Henry Brentshaw, dead among the dead.


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