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Я читала "Первую медицинскую помощь" Валентина Буянова, и это незаменимая книга для любого здравомысленного человека. В ней четко и понятно объясняется, что делать в чрезвычайных ситуациях, от ушибов и порезов до сердечных приступов и ожогов. В книге нет лишней информации, она краткая и по делу, а схемы и иллюстрации помогают быстро понять даже сложные процедуры. Буянов также приводит множество примеров из реальной жизни, что делает книгу еще более практичной. Лично мне она очень...


Mike Mahler - Mahler's Aggressive Strength Kettlebell Workshop Manual

Mahler's Aggressive Strength Kettlebell Workshop Manual
Книга - Mahler
Mahler's Aggressive Strength Kettlebell Workshop Manual
Mike Mahler


Здоровье, Физкультура и спорт

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Майк Махлер, известный инструктор и пропагандист гиревого спорта, представляет интенсивный тренинг для увеличения силы и набора мышечной массы.

Язык: английский

Forty unreal kettlebell training drills in one awesome package! Detailed photographs of the kettlebell drills and pointers on technique and maximum performance. 100 % pure useful content and 0 % fluff.

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Exercise Description

Using the example of the left arm, here is how you do a one-arm kettlebell row. Place a kettlebell next to your right foot. Place your left foot behind your back and rest your right elbow on your right leg. Pull the kettlebell off of the floor to your stomach. Keep your back flat at all times.

Performance Tips

• Flex the lat next to the arm that you are pulling with before you pull the kettlebell.

• Breathe in as you pull the kettlebell and out as you lower the kettlebell

• Crush grip the kettlebell handle at all times.

• Pull the kettlebell back rather than straight up.

• Avoid rounding your back

Two-arm Kettlebell Row

Книгаго: Mahler's Aggressive Strength Kettlebell Workshop Manual. Иллюстрация № 19
Exercise Description

Place two kettlebells between your feet. Bend your knees slightly and then push your butt out as much as possible as you bend over to get in the starting position. Grab both kettlebells and pull them to your stomach. Lower and repeat.

Performance Tips

• Flex your lats before you pull the kettlebells.

• Pull the kettlebells to your stomach rather than straight up.

• Look straight ahead at all times.

• Keep your back flat.

• Flex your stomach and glutes for added stability.

• Breathe in as you pull the kettlebells and breathe out as you lower the kettlebells.

Alternating Kettlebell Row

Книгаго: Mahler's Aggressive Strength Kettlebell Workshop Manual. Иллюстрация № 20
Exercise Description

Place two kettlebells between your feet. Bend your knees slightly and push your butt out as much as possible. As you bend over to get into the starting position. Grab both kettlebells. Pull one kettlebell off of the floor while holding on to the other kettlebell. Hold the kettlebell in the working arm at the stomach for a second. Lower the kettlebell in the working arm and pull the kettlebell with your other arm.

Performance Tips

• As you pull one kettlebell, stretch the non working arm in the opposite direction

• Breathe in as you pull one kettlebell and out as you lower the kettlebell

• Flex the lat of the working arm before pulling each kettlebell off of the floor

• Flex your glutes and stomach for added stability

Renegade Kettlebell Row

Книгаго: Mahler's Aggressive Strength Kettlebell Workshop Manual. Иллюстрация № 21
Exercise Description

Get into the top position of the pushup holding on to two kettlebells that are less than shoulder width apart. Push one kettlebell into the floor and pull the other kettlebell. Hold the kettlebell in the working arm in the top position for a second and repeat. Switch arms after each set.

Performance Tips

• Push the kettlebell of the non-working arm into the floor with as much force as possible

• Breathe in as you pull one kettlebell and out as you lower the kettlebell

• Flex your butt and stomach for added stability

• Flex the lat of the working arm before pulling each kettlebell off of the floor

Alternating Renegade Row

Книгаго: Mahler's Aggressive Strength Kettlebell Workshop Manual. Иллюстрация № 22
Exercise Description

Get into the top position of the pushup holding on to two kettlebells that are less than shoulder width apart. Push one kettlebell into the floor and pull the other kettlebell. Hold the kettlebell in the working arm in the top position. Lower it to the floor and push it into the floor. At the same time pull the kettlebell in the opposite hand. Repeat for several reps on each side.

Performance Tips

• Push the kettlebell of the non-working arm into the floor forcefully.

• Breathe in as you pull the kettlebell and out as you lower the kettlebell

• Flex your butt and stomach for added stability

• Flex the lat of the working arm before pulling each kettlebell off of the floor

One Kettlebell Front Squat

Книгаго: Mahler's Aggressive Strength Kettlebell Workshop Manual. Иллюстрация № 23
Exercise Description

Clean one kettlebell to your shoulder and take a stance that you find comfortable for your body type. As you squat down, push your butt out. Looking straight ahead at all times, squat as low as you can and pause at the bottom. Rise back up and repeat.

Performance Tips

• Breathe in as you squat down and hold your breath as you stand up (Caution: clear this with your doctor if you have high blood pressure or any heart problems).

• Look straight ahead at all times or look up, but do not look down.

• Flex your glutes and stomach as hard as possible before rising back up from the bottom position of the front squat

• Press the kettlebell into your upper body to keep the kettlebell in place.

Front Squats With Two Kettlebells

Книгаго: Mahler's Aggressive Strength Kettlebell Workshop Manual. Иллюстрация № 24
Exercise Description

Clean two kettlebells to your shoulders and take a stance that you find comfortable for your body type. As you squat down, push your butt out. Looking straight ahead at all times, squat as low as you can and pause at the bottom. Rise back up and repeat.

Performance Tips

• Breathe in as you squat down and hold your breath as you stand up

(Caution: clear this with your --">

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