Библиотека knigago >> Драматургия >> Драматургия >> Suicide or DAY FOR MARRIAGE. Play for 2 people


# 2845, книга: Добро пожаловать на Марс!
автор: Полина Люро

«Добро пожаловать на Марс!» — блестящий сборник социально-философских рассказов, которые заставят вас задуматься и переосмыслить мир вокруг. Полина Люро мастерски создаёт антиутопические миры, исследуя влияние искусственного интеллекта и технологий на человеческое общество. Её истории погружают читателя в сложные вопросы идентичности, зависимости и моральных дилемм. Особо впечатлили рассказы «Самиздат» и «Алгоритм». В «Самиздате» автор рисует пугающую картину общества, в котором подавляется...



До белого каления. А Дж Квиннел
- До белого каления

Жанр: Триллер

Год издания: 2003

Серия: Приключения Кризи

Николай Владимирович Лакутин - Suicide or DAY FOR MARRIAGE. Play for 2 people

Suicide or DAY FOR MARRIAGE. Play for 2 people
Книга - Suicide or DAY FOR MARRIAGE. Play for 2 people.  Николай Владимирович Лакутин  - прочитать полностью в библиотеке КнигаГо
Suicide or DAY FOR MARRIAGE. Play for 2 people
Николай Владимирович Лакутин



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Краткое содержание книги "Suicide or DAY FOR MARRIAGE. Play for 2 people"

When years old remind of themselves no longer with the most joyful emotions, and the success and achievements in life are very mediocre, then the internal age crisis can sometimes end tragically. BUT! What if two such characters on the threshold of their extremes in experiences suddenly collide on the border of solutions?

К этой книге применимы такие ключевые слова (теги) как: Самиздат,пьесы,комедии,драматический театр,театр

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All those friends of mine – it was my parents ' choice, not my choice. I lived like a bird in a Golden cage. I was patient until I was thirty. So I was introduced to my fiance – that was the last straw. I suddenly realized that I was not living my life, but my parents ' life. I live a certain model that was not planned by me. And it made me so sick… I ran away. I had enough money to get away from the family estate, and I even made a new passport, changing all the details so that no one would find it. Tripled on a simple job and learned life as most people know it. To put it mildly, I wasn't thrilled. I then realized how my parents had crippled me. They did not prepare me for the realities of life, and everything happens! If my colleagues had been in my position, they wouldn't have lasted a week. But my inner core has come to the rescue more than once in times of despair.

GRISHA: But … it seems that he also gave up, since I met you here…

LIDA: Dal, Grisha. But not immediately.

Lida heaves a sigh and looks away.

LIDA: I managed to get settled in life by the time I ran out of funds. A rented apartment, more or less stable and not the lowest paid job. Some kind of relationship, as if even friends, though… girlfriends… is there a female friendship?.. However, there is. Up to a certain point.

GRISHA: it Seems that at this particular moment in your life there was an interesting man.

LIDA: Yes, you're right. Appeared. But, alas, not for long. Imagine, these friends of mine, they are almost all married, and before a man who began to show me signs of attention, they began to "twist their tail". Ah and the guy that… weak creature. Always chooses accessibility in favor of worthy qualities.

GRISHA: Almost always.

LIDA: Really?

GRISHA: I know it's hard to believe, but for a hundred men, three or four men are about the same.

LIDA: Men? Among men?

GRISHA: I didn't miss the point. There is a huge difference between the two terms.

LIDA (with a pleasant, engaging interest): I know this, but I have never met anyone who raised this issue before.

GRISHA: Just against the background of the vast majority, men find themselves in the shadows. And they usually don't want to show themselves. They live and live for themselves. They have different moral values, they are different people in essence. Quite different. But they don't need to show themselves. They are already found by those who must find them.

LIDA (after listening): How interesting you are. I listen, and like a smart book I read.

GRISHA: are you Kidding me?

LIDA: Oh, no, that's not sarcasm. I just suddenly realized that… That it looks like I met a man for the first time, the one who is among these three or four percent. And it's really quite different from the males I've met so far. You're right, Grisha… Looks like you're very right…

Grisha and Lida look at each other with cautious eyes, perfectly aware of what is happening between them now.

GREGORY (hesitantly): I… killed, I'm sorry. You settled on that man.

LIDA: Yes, you understood everything correctly, so my friendship with "earth" friends ended. But I'll tell you what… A woman is treacherous by nature. It doesn't matter whether she is from a rich class or from a poor one. She, one way or another, seeks to get what attracted her attention. The scale is different, but the essence and methods are about the same. I was disappointed in women, disappointed in men. Nevertheless, she found the strength to change her environment again. New job, new friends, new life. I even changed my apartment, my style of clothing, and, of course, my haircut.

GRISHA: Well… that's the first thing.

LIDA: this, by the way, is a very important moment and not only for women.

GRISHA: I Know. I've been long-haired and bald myself… now here, too, in an unusual style and form… Go on!

LIDA: AND … there's not much to go on. History repeated itself again.

Grisha looks down sympathetically.

Soft sad music is playing.

LIDA (heartfelt): It was so depressing. So everything is dimmed in an already not too colorful world. For whom to live, for what to suffer all this? No husband, no child… My family… it's still there somewhere… in the past. And my family, my own, which I dreamed of, which I aspired to…, I could not create. Tried… True, I tried, but… unable. I sat down in the kitchen in the evening and lit a candle. I congratulated myself through tears on my thirty-fifth birthday and, making a wish – an ultimatum, blew out the candle!

The music stops.

Gregory in bewilderment.

GRISHA: Desire is an ultimatum? I've never heard of it…

LIDA: do you Want to know what I made a wish for?

GRISHA: I'm interested, but … this is probably very personal…

LIDA: I'll say. I made a condition for myself. If I don't get married in twenty – four hours, then I don't have any more sense to live in the world! An empty life is what hell is. And I'm pretty sick of him.

Grisha does not immediately, carefully, having considered his actions and words, approaches Lida and sits down next to her.

GRISHA: AND… is there still time? The day hasn't ended since you blew out the candle?

Lida looks at Grisha with interest. Grisha looks with interest and responsibility at Lida.

Lida takes out her mobile phone and looks at the time.

LIDA: less than an hour Left. But what it will solve…

Puts the phone away. Cautiously, he glances at Grisha in fits and starts.

Grisha thoroughly thinks about something, gets up, moves away from Lida, goes to the Bush, pulls out a blade of grass, weaves it into a ring. Carefully glances at Lida in snatches, Lida turns sharply, as if she wasn't looking at what Grisha is doing there.

Grisha is coming to the Lido on the back.

GRISHA: In the end, we will always have time to get a divorce.

He sits down on one knee, and Lida turns at his words. Grisha holds out a ring made of grass.

GRISHA (in all seriousness): Marry me!

The "X" Moment. A quivering moment, a look of anticipation from Lida.

LIDA: What else?

GREGORY (angrily): What do you mean?"

LIDA: what do you Take me for? Marrying the first person you meet is the height of imprudence! I'm not like that.

Grisha gets up from his knee, indignantly squeezes his homemade ring and throws it far away.

GRISHA (indignantly): So! Citizen! Are you going to hang yourself in the end, or should I help you? The queue is already rampant! You're holding me up for nothing!

LIDA: I have almost an hour to spare, if anything. So that… if there are people in the queue who are suffering very much, then I am ready to let myself go ahead. Please, you're welcome. At the same time, I will see from the outside how it all happens. The nuances are there, fluttering… what else is there? That I, however, have no training, no experience… The first pancake is always a lump, so please…

Lida makes a compliant gesture to Grisha, letting him pass.

GRISHA (relieved): Well, finally.

Grisha takes his


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