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# 1821, книга: Другие семь дней
автор: Виктор Гвор

Фэнтези: прочее В книге «Другие семь дней» Виктор Гвор создает захватывающий и уникальный мир, который погружает читателя в эпическую борьбу между добром и злом. Главная героиня, молодая женщина по имени Лия, обладает необычайным даром: она может видеть ауры людей и животных, различая их намерения и эмоции. Ее жизнь кардинально меняется, когда она встречает таинственного мужчину по имени Эрандор, который раскрывает ей существование древней силы зла, угрожающей миру. Лия оказывается втянута в...


Большая ночь. Генри Каттнер
- Большая ночь

Жанр: Научная Фантастика

Год издания: 2007

Серия: Все звезды

Микки Спиллейн - Everybody's Watching Me

Everybody's Watching Me
Книга - Everybody
Everybody's Watching Me
Микки Спиллейн


Крутой детектив, Триллер

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Год издания:






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Краткое содержание книги "Everybody's Watching Me"

When Joe Boyle delivered the message to Renzo, one of the toughest crime lords in the city, he didn't expect to be beaten to within an inch of his life. But the message was from Vetter, one the most dangerous underworld figures. No one had ever seen Vetter, but all the crime lords knew his reputation―whatever city he came to, he took over to his advantage leaving a pile of corpses in his wake. Joe is going to be lucky to stay alive when they realize that he maybe the only chance the city's underground has of striking Vetter first. Joe's only chance may lie in the arms of the beautiful lounge singer Helen Troy.
К этой книге применимы такие ключевые слова (теги) как: Hard-Boiled, Suspense, Thriller

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peddle the dope to die slowly, the ones who take it away die quick. It’s still a lot of men. You killed them, Renzo, a whole lot of them. You know what happens to killers in this country? It’s a funny law, but it works. Sometimes to get what it wants, it works in peculiar fashion. But it works.

“Remember the note. Remember hard what it said.” I grinned and what was in it stopped him five feet away. What was in it made him frown, then his eyes opened wide, almost too wide and he had the expression Helen had the first time.

I said to her, “Don’t wait, Helen,” and heard the door open and close. Renzo was backing away, his feet shuffling on the carpet.

Two minutes at the most.

“I’m Vetter,” I said. “Didn’t you know? Couldn’t you tell? Me…Vetter. The one everybody wonders about, even the cops. Vetter the puzzle. Vetter the one who’s there but isn’t there.” The air was cold against my teeth. “Remember the note, Renzo. No, you can’t smell a gun because I haven’t got one. But look at my hand. You’re big and strong…you’re a killer, but look at my hand and find out who the specialist really is and you’ll know that there was no lie in that note you read the first night.”

Renzo tried to scream, stumbled fell. I laughed again and moved in on him. He was reaching for something in the desk drawer knowing all the time that he wasn’t going to make it and the knife in my hand made a nasty little snick and he screamed again so high it almost blended with the sirens.

Maybe one minute left, but it would be enough and the puzzle would always be there and the name when mentioned would start another ball rolling and the country a little cleaner and the report when the Chief read it would mean one more done with…done differently, but done.


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