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# 2713, книга: Крылья и цепи
автор: Иван Георгиевич Лазутин

Книга "Крылья и цепи" Ивана Лазутина - это захватывающий роман, который исследует социальные и психологические потрясения советской эпохи. Автор мастерски изображает сложную природу советского общества, его идеалы и противоречия. Роман сосредоточен на жизни двух семей, разделенных революцией. Семья Вороновых - богатые помещики, вынужденные отказаться от своего статуса и имущества. Семья Шаровых - бедные крестьяне, которые извлекают выгоду из социальных потрясений. Через призму этих...

Slava Brodsky - Funny Children's Stories. Bilingual Edition

Funny Children's Stories. Bilingual Edition
Книга - Funny Children
Funny Children's Stories. Bilingual Edition
Slava Brodsky


Детская проза, Языкознание

Изадано в серии:



Manhattan Academia

Год издания:






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Краткое содержание книги "Funny Children's Stories. Bilingual Edition"

Эта книга — двуязычное издание недавно опубликованной русской книги и её перевода на английский язык с комментариями издателя для американского читателя. Книга представляет собой сборник коротких детских рассказов o событиях, происходивших в Москве в середине пятидесятых годов прошлого века, через десять лет после окончания второй мировой войны.

Рассказы могут быть интересны как детям, так и взрослым. Дети найдут в книге много по-настоящему смешных эпизодов и смогут посмотреть на столицу России середины двадцатого века глазами двенадцатилетнего мальчика. Взрослые будут иметь возможность посмотреть на те же события своими глазами и тоже посмеяться, а может быть, и погрустить.

This is a bilingual edition of a recently published Russian book and its English translation, together with publisher’s comments for the American public. The book is a collection of short children's stories about the events that took place in Moscow (Russia) in the mid-fifties of the last century, a decade after the end of World War II.

These stories may be of interest to both children and adults. Children will find many truly funny episodes in the book and will be able to look at the capital of Russia in the middle of the twentieth century through the eyes of a twelve-year-old boy. Adults will be able to look at the same events through their own eyes. They also will laugh or perhaps be a bit sad.

К этой книге применимы такие ключевые слова (теги) как: Literature ,&, Fiction

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people in Russia.



It seems that the boy and his parents lived together in the same room.



One kopeck is the smallest Russian coin. For comparison: the cost of a local call from a public phone was 15 kopecks at that time.



The father of the boy was obviously making fun of some propaganda slogan of that time.



Romantic relations between students and young teachers were (and probably are) quite common in Russian schools.



A two is a non-passing grade in the Russian “two to five” school grading system, comparable to an F in the American grading system. A three is a minimum passing grade. A four is a good passing grade. A five is the highest grade, comparable to an A in the American grading system.



One meter is a little bit longer than one yard.



Russian children often call middle-aged women aunt.



The Ukrainian language is pretty close to Russian. That is why for many Russians, Ukrainian sounds like broken Russian.



All private mail in Soviet Russia could be opened and inspected by KGB agents.



In Soviet Russia, a knock on someone’s door in the middle of the night most likely meant an arrest.



Being considered an educated person was neither honorable nor safe in Soviet Russia. For this reason, it was a shame to get good grades in school.



In Soviet Russia, almost everyone was under the impression that women could not and should not play soccer. This opinion was supported by the Soviet law prohibiting women from playing the game.



Тhe boy’s dad, obviously, meant to imply a strong possibility that either the little kid or his father might be, one day, imprisoned.



Size 10 by 14 centimeters means a four by six screen with a 7-inch diagonal.



Nikolai Gogol is a famous Russian writer.



Solomon Mikhoels was a famous Russian-Jewish actor and producer killed by Soviet secret agents in the street.



The boy’s dad obviously meant that the room was vacated because the neighbors were arrested.



The boy’s dad obviously meant that Serge’s mom should be scared to be at home and wait for a KGB agent's knock on the door.



“Don’t tell anybody!” — was a part of almost every conversation at that time. People were afraid to talk about any topic because of the threat of arrest.



At that time, in Soviet Russia, Sundays were the only days off. On Saturday, adults went to work while kids went to school.



GUM is a huge department store in the center of Moscow, on Red Square. It used to be a desired destination of each visitor of Moscow and, most often, the primary goal of the visit.


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