Библиотека knigago >> Детская литература >> Детские приключения >> Adventures of Michael the Cat and Aleksandra the Kitten. Happy birthday, Teo!

"Мифы о прошлом в современной медиасреде" - это увлекательное исследование взаимосвязи между нашими представлениями о прошлом и их влиянием на наше настоящее и будущее. Автор, Софья Тихонова, мастерски раскрывает, как масс-медиа формируют и манипулируют нашими взглядами на историю. Книга охватывает широкий спектр тем, от политической философии до социальной политики. Тихонова исследует, как СМИ часто служат рупором доминирующих идеологий, продвигая мифы и искажая факты. Она также...


Эпидемия. Джон Голд
- Эпидемия

Жанр: Самиздат, сетевая литература

Год издания: 2020

Серия: Ключи от Пангеи

Валентина Басан - Adventures of Michael the Cat and Aleksandra the Kitten. Happy birthday, Teo!

Adventures of Michael the Cat and Aleksandra the Kitten. Happy birthday, Teo!
Книга - Adventures of Michael the Cat and Aleksandra the Kitten. Happy birthday, Teo!.  Валентина Басан  - прочитать полностью в библиотеке КнигаГо
Adventures of Michael the Cat and Aleksandra the Kitten. Happy birthday, Teo!
Валентина Басан


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The adventures of Michael the Cat and Aleksandra the Kitten continue. This time they are going to their cousin Teo's birthday party. But not everything is so simple. They get into various funny situations, but in the final everything ends well.

К этой книге применимы такие ключевые слова (теги) как: Самиздат,детские игрушки,приключения для детей,детская фантазия,волшебные сказки

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remember your first year, Aleksandra. Aunt Yana and Uncle Ziya gave you a toy house and brought you a pink cake. I ate most of it myself.

"I don't remember that," Kitten Aleksandra sobbed.

– But you will remember the first year of Teoman, this is a cool holiday, and he, in turn, will remember the first year of his younger brother or sister – Michael the Cat philosophized and helped himself to take a third piece of cake while Mama Cat did not see.

– Fair enough, – the Kitten Aleksandra calmed down and agreed.

The guests thanked the hosts for the warm welcome and went home. Mama Cat helped Aunt Cat Yana to clear the table and wash the dishes. Dad and uncle were discussing a new model of an electric car in the living room, Michael the Cat and Aleksandra the Kitten were playing Lego on the floor and only the little hero of the occasion was peacefully snoring in his cradle. He dreamed of lawns with balloons, toy cars and toy horses, the sun shone brightly and gently, and snow-white clouds floated on the blue sky. Teo was smiling, tightly clenching his fist, just in a dream he caught a colorful paper butterfly!

The author's artistic work was used to prepare the cover of the publication.


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