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Книга представляет собой сборник статей шведско-норвежского историка Пера Рудлинга, посвященных исследованию Украинской повстанческой армии (УПА) и Организации украинских националистов (ОУН). Рудлинг анализирует историографию и современную интерпретацию этих организаций, раскрывая механизмы создания и распространения мифов о них. * Мифологизация УПА и ОУН как символов украинской национальной идентичности * Политическая эксплуатация исторической памяти о Второй мировой войне в Украине *...


Мамочка и смысл жизни.. Ирвин Ялом
- Мамочка и смысл жизни.

Жанр: Психология

Год издания: 2002

Серия: Искусство консультирования

Kathleen é - A Herzen Reader

A Herzen Reader
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A Herzen Reader
Kathleen é


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Краткое содержание книги "A Herzen Reader"

A Herzen Reader presents in English for the first time one hundred essays and editorials by the radical Russian thinker Alexander Herzen (1812–1870). Herzen wrote most of these pieces for The Bell, a revolutionary newspaper he launched with the poet Nikolai Ogaryov in London in 1857. Smugglers secretly carried copies of The Bell into Russia, where it influenced debates over the emancipation of the serfs and other reforms. With his characteristic irony, Herzen addressed such issues as freedom of speech, a nonviolent path to socialism, and corruption and paranoia at the highest levels of government. He discussed what he saw as the inability of even a liberator like Czar Alexander II to commit to change. A Herzen Reader stands on its own for its fascinating glimpse into Russian intellectual life of the 1850s and 1860s. It also provides invaluable context for understanding Herzen’s contemporaries, including Fyodor Dostoevsky and Ivan Turgenev.

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We have said a great deal about the revolution of 1848. Like the entire world, we were attracted to it. It even attracted its opponents; they also did not remain in place and move even further into their positions.

The attraction did not last long, but people had trouble going back to their old ways. [. . .]

And at the same time that revolution, beaten on all counts, gave up ev­erything that had been achieved since 1789, the frightened autocracy in Russia, having crushed Hungary without need or sense, threw itself into the persecution of thought, scholarship, and every kind of civic endeavor.


We are not the ones who reduced this to a bookish battle—that's the way it really was. The entire intellectual life of Russia in the thirties and forties was reduced to literature and teaching. This quarrel occupied no more than

[2] The Sovereign in the Avenue Marigny

But where is the first part? In the first issue of The Bell, it appeared ex­actly ten years ago on the occasion of a journey by the "widowed empress-


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