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Steven Greer - Hidden Truth. Forbidden Knowledge

Hidden Truth. Forbidden Knowledge
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Hidden Truth. Forbidden Knowledge
Steven Greer


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Краткое содержание книги "Hidden Truth. Forbidden Knowledge"

In "Hidden Truth – Forbidden Knowledge" Dr. Greer provides his own personal disclosure based on years of high-level meetings with over 450 military and government-connected insiders and whistle-blowers and briefings with senior government officials, such as former CIA Director R. James Woolsey, members of the US Senate and senior UN officials.
In addition to these disclosures, "Hidden Truth – Forbidden Knowledge" unveils the actual contact experiences Dr. Greer has had with UFOs and Extraterrestrial Civilizations, beginning as a young child. In one of the most amazing and moving personal stories ever shared, he explains how after a prolonged near-death experience at age 17, he experienced cosmic consciousness and found the Rosetta Stone of ET contact: the power of the unbounded mind within each of us. Later this led to numerous Close Encounters of the 5th Kind: contact with ETs initiated by Dr. Greer and later by larger groups of people through the CSETI (Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence) project.

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April of 2004 during my oral presentations at our farm. I ask that the reader forgive any errors or editing oversights. This book should be viewed as an oral history, transcribed and edited into a narrative. I had no notes or text as I made these oral presentations.

Between 1991 and 1995, I kept a diary (via transcribed audio tape) that was over 2000 pages just up to that time. Clearly this book, which encompasses experi­ences that span half a century, can only reflect the major highlights and lessons gleaned over that time. It is by no means meant to be all-inclusive or recall all the information conveyed to me by thousands of conversations and meetings with cov­ert contacts within the Shadow Government.

Many of the names of these covert operatives are changed or abbreviated. How­ever, the original tapes and transcripts, which are in multiple secure locations, con­tain all of the names, corporations and entities involved with these illegal clandes­tine operations and will be released, if needed, at a later time.

Also, this book is not a recapitulation or even summary of the extensive documen­tation which exists in my two prior books. The reader should refer to the exten­sive case-files and ET contact experiences of the Center for the Study of Extraterres­trial Intelligence (CSETI) contained in the book "Extraterrestrial Contact- The Evidence and Implications". Moreover, a nearly 600 page book of government documents and tran- scripts of over 60 top- secret witness testimonies to official government projects and events is available in "Disclosure". These books may be obtained at www.DisclosureProject.org.

It is time for one chapter in human history to close and another to open. Do we have the courage to embrace this new world, the hallmarks of which are univer­sal peace, enlightenment, and a genuinely high technology civilization on earth that is sustainable for thousands of years? The retrograde forces that are attempt­ing to hijack humanity to a time of war in space, global destruction, environmental ruin and cultural insani- ty must be supplanted, through the courageous acts of others, with an entirely new way of being.

It is time for you to know - and for all of us to act. For it is only through the collective actions of those who yearn for the good future that awaits humanity that we can leap across the abyss of impending destruction and secure a world ready to take her place among the cultures of the cosmos, enlightened and at peace.

Steven M. Greer MD Albemarle County, Virginia

1 February 2006

Authors Note

This story is told in three parts. The first of these illuminates the events that set the stage for all to follow; it covers my childhood through early adult life, up to 1990. The second traces the years from 1990 to the present day. During this time, we formed the Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence, the Disclosure Project, and Space Energy Access Systems. The third part moves into the future, gazing into a time when the fulfillment of the promise of humanity will be realized - a time that will endure for 500,000 years.

In order to first give you a frame of reference, I'll share some important statistics. In 1980, the world community eradicated smallpox off the face of the earth. The World Health Organization predicts that by the end of 2006, we will reach the last remote villages of Africa and Asia and we will wipe out Polio. These are accom­plishments that should bring much gratification to us all as citizens of this world. Yet, it is with restrained joy that I celebrate these feats. Why? Because, sadly, by the time you read the first chapter of this book (approximately 15 minutes), the fol­lowing will happen: 250 children will die of starvation; 15 people will die of AIDS; 31 will die of Malaria and 50 will die of TB.

You might ask how this possibly relates to ETs or CSETI or the Disclosure Pro­ject. It is all connected to control, power, religious ideology, and greed. We know that the technologies have existed (for many years) to alleviate Small-Pox and Polio much earlier, plus the diseases I mentioned above, as well as other ills that plague the world community. We know that technologies have been around that can supply the world with an abundance of energy without using up our valuable natural re­sources. Unfortunately, the people who have access to these technologies have not shared them with us.

I mention this not to depress you, but because it is a reality. Yet it is a reality that can be changed. As you read HIDDEN TRUTH - FOR- BIDDEN KNOWLEDGE, you will see that changes have already begun in some of the very people who are in-

volved with these technologies; changes that can and WILL make this a peaceful world.





"We'll get the little Holloman room for this event...It's all you'll need."

"Oh, no - we need the ballroom."

"But, that room is never used - except for very large and important events."

"This wz'//be a very large and important event!" "You've got to be

out of your mind."

"No, we need the entire ballroom!"

"Well, the last time they filled the ballroom was when President Reagan was there!" "Just get it! Do it."

"Okay - you won't listen to me... but I'll get it."

The room in question is The National Press Club ballroom in Washington, D.C. The verbal wrangling between myself - Dr. Steven Greer - and a press agent, proved worthwhile on May 9, 2001. She kept her word, and my instinct proved to be on target! We watched the ball- room fill to capacity: nearly two dozen televi­sion cameras and a battery of journalists assembled to hear and record statements offered by twenty one witnesses from military, intelligence, government, corporate and scientific organizations.

The witnesses had stepped forward to relate their personal experiences with ex­traterrestrial vehicles (ETVs; aka UFOs) and extraterrestri- al life forms. More than two hours of public testimony ensued, verify- ing the reality of ETV/UFO contact and a largely unknown outcome: the interaction with extraterrestrial intelligence has produced advanced energy and propulsion technologies. This information has been kept secret from the masses for years.

The event marked the launch of the Disclosure Project; an out- growth of years of effort by the Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence (CSETI). It was also a milestone in my personal journey, having moved from a career as an emergency room doctor living in Asheville, N.C into a new role - the unlikely cou­rier of a message that is insisting to be heard. It was one more step along the sometimes rocky path I'd stumbled upon as a nine-year old playing on the streets of Charlotte, North Carolina.

A sunny afternoon in 1965 saw me out roaming with the usual group of neighbor­hood urchins. We were typical Southern kids, wandering about in search of all manner of adventure - something to build, or see, or take home. Little were we pre­pared for what suddenly appeared in the southwest sky: a silver, oval-shaped, gleaming craft - obviously not an airplane or helicopter. It was seamless, totally silent - and unlike any- thing we'd ever seen. After hovering for a short time, it instantly van- ished.

We felt this was something truly unusual. My family, predictably, passed off the incident as a childish musing. But my cohorts and I knew we'd seen something way


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