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# 843, книга: «Из соседей... в молодожены?»
автор: Бренда Харлен

Роман «Из соседей... в молодожены?» – очаровательная и трогательная современная любовная история, которая заставит ваше сердце трепетать. Бренда Харлен создает двух харизматичных и привлекательных персонажей, чье путешествие от соседей к влюбленным наверняка вас захватит. Главные герои, Нора и Бен, поначалу кажутся совершенно несовместимыми. Нора – целеустремленная и организованная женщина, в то время как Бен – свободолюбивый и беззаботный парень. Однако, когда они вынуждены делить жилое...


Оценщик. Том 1. Илья Сергеевич Модус
- Оценщик. Том 1

Жанр: Самиздат, сетевая литература

Год издания: 2023

Серия: Оценщик Корпорации Зла

Janice Manning - The Kolbrin Bible: 21st Century Master Edition

The Kolbrin Bible: 21st Century Master Edition
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The Kolbrin Bible: 21st Century Master Edition
Janice Manning


Старинная литература

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Millennia ago, Egyptian and Celtic authors recorded prophetic warnings for the future and their harbinger signs are now converging. These predictions are contained in The Kolbrin Bible, a secular wisdom text studied in the days of Jesus and lovingly preserved by generations of Celtic mystics in Great Britain. Nearly as big as the King James Bible, this 3600-year old text warns of an imminent, Armageddon-like conflict with radical Islam, but this is not the greatest threat. The authors of The Kolbrin Bible predict an end to life as we know it, by a celestial event. It will be the return of a massive space object, in a long elliptical orbit around our sun. Known to the Egyptians and Hebrews as the "Destroyer," the Celts later called it the "Frightener."

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in hideous form clothed with terror, whose great bones may still be seen.

CRT:1:20 Then came forth from the Womb of the Earth all the beasts of the field and forest. All the creatures of creation having blood in their bodies, and it was complete. Beasts roamed the dry land, and fishes swam in the seas. There were birds in the skies and worms within the soil.

CRT:1:21 There were great land masses and high mountains, wide, barren places and heaving waters. Fertile greenness covered the land, and abundant life swarmed in the seas, for now Earth throbbed with the energy of life.

CRT:1:22 Metals lay hidden in her rocks and precious stones within the soil. Gold and silver were scattered and secreted. There was copper for tools and forests of timber. There were swamps of reeds and stones for every purpose.

CRT: 1:23 Everything was prepared, everything was ready, and now Earth awaited the coming of man.

Chapter Two - The Birth of Man

CRT:2:1 The love of God penetrated the third veil and became the Seed of Souls within the Soul Sea. The body of man, God made of water and things of the Earth, breathing into him the Spirit of Life, that he might live. But man, when young, lived only to eat and drink and to fornicate, for, being conscious only of the Earth, he knew only earthly things and earthly ways.

CRT:2:2 Now the Spirit of God moved over the face of the Earth, but was not of the Earth. It held all things and was in all things, but on Earth could not be apart from anything. Without substance, it was awake, but entering substance, it slept.

CRT:2:3 Consider that, which was told by the servants of Eban, of Heavenman, who once wandered the Earth. He had no earthly substance and could not grasp its fruits, for he had no hands. He could not drink its waters, for he had no mouth, nor could he feel the cool winds upon his skin. They tell how the ape tribe Selok, led by Heavenman, perished by flames before the Valley of Lod, only one she-ape reaching the cave heights above.

CRT:2:4 When Heavenman was reborn of the she-ape in the cavern of Woe, could he taste the fruits of the Earth and drink of her waters, and feel the coolness of her winds? Did he not find life good? It is not all a tale of the courtyard!

CRT:2:5 Man, created from earthly substance alone, could not know things not of Earth, nor could Spirit alone subdue him. Had man not been created, who would have known God's wisdom and power? As the Spirit fills the body of man, so does God fill His creation.

CRT:2:6 Therefore, it was that God saw something had to be which joined Earth and Spirit and was both. In His wisdom and by the creative impulse which governs the Earth, He prepared a body for man, for the body of man is wholly of Earth.

CRT:2:7 Behold, the great day came when the Spirit, which is God, was joined with the beast, which is Earth. Then, Earth writhed in the labour of travail. Her mountains rocked back and forth, and her seas heaved up and down. Earth groaned in her lands and shrieked in her winds. She cried in the rivers and wept in her storms.

CRT:2:8 So man was born, born of upheaval and strife. He came wretchedly and tumultuously, the offspring of a distraught Earth. All was in discord, snow fell in the hot wastelands, ice covered the fertile plains, the forests became seas. Where once it was hot, now it was cold and where no rain had ever fallen, now there were floods. So man came forth, man the child of calamity, man the inheritor of a creative struggle, man the battleground of extremes.

CRT:2:9 Earth nurtured man with cautious affection, weaning him in the recesses of her body. Then, when he was grown sufficiently to be lifted so he walked in the uprightness of God, she took him and raised him above all other creatures. She led him even into the presence of God, and she laid him on His Great Altar.

CRT:2:10 A man imperfect, of earthly limitations, a thing unfinished, ungainly and unlearned, but proudly was He presented to Earth's Creator. Not her first-born was man, the son of Earth, the grandchild of God; man the heir of tribulation and the pupil of affliction.

CRT:2:11 God saw man, the offering of Earth to her Lord, unconscious on the High Altar, a sacrifice to Him and a dedication to the Spirit of Fate. Then from out of the unfathomable heights and from behind the impenetrable veil, God came down above the Altar, and He breathed into man the breath of Eternal Life. Into his sleeping body, God implanted a fragment of Himself, the Seed of a Soul and the Spark of Divinity, and man the mortal became man the heir of God and the inheritor of immortality. Henceforth he would have dominion over God's earthly estate, but he also had to unravel the Circles of Eternity, and his destiny was to be an everlasting seeking and striving.

CRT:2:12 Man slept, but God opened the Great Eye within him, and man saw a vision of unsurpassed glory. He heard the voice of God saying, "O man, in your hand is now placed the tablet of your inheritance, and My seal is upon it. Know that all you desire within your heart may be yours, but first it is necessary that you be taught its value. Behold, the Earth is filled with things of usefulness; they are prepared to your hand for a purpose, but the task is upon you to seek them out and learn their use. This is the tuition for the management of your inheritance."

CRT:2:13 "What you know to be good, seek for and it shall be found. You may plumb the seas and pluck the stars. You may live in everlasting glory and savour eternal delights. Above and below and all about, there is nothing beyond your reach; all, with one exception, is yours to attain." Then God laid His hand upon man, saying, "Now, you are even as I, except you sleep there enclosed in matter in the Kingdom of Illusion, while I dwell here in the freedom of Reality and Truth. It is not for Me to come down to you, but for you to reach out to Me."

CRT:2:14 Our Unborn Friends, whatever your circumstances of life, you are the children of the past and heirs of those who have lived and died. We trust you have no cause to reproach those who once held stewardship over your estate. But whatever you think of the heritage, you cannot put it aside, any more than you can refuse that Man then saw a vision of glory encompassing even the Spheres of Splendour. Unbounded wisdom filled his heart, and he beheld beauty in perfection. The ultimates of Truth and Justice were unveiled before him. He became one with the profound peace of eternity and knew the joys of unceasing gladness.

CRT:2:15 The eternal ages of time unrolled as a scroll before his eyes, and he saw written thereon all that was to become and occur. The great vaults of Heaven were opened up unto him, and he saw the everlasting fires and unconsumable powers that strove therein. He felt within himself the stirring of inexpressible love, and unlimited designs of grandeur filled his thoughts. His spirit ranged unhampered through all the spheres of existence. He was then even as God Himself, and he knew the secret of the Seven Spheres within Three Spheres.

CRT:2:16 Then, God lifted His hand from man, and man was alone. The great vision departed and he awoke; only a dim and elusive recollection, no more than the shadow of a dream remained. But deep within the sleeping Soul, there was a spark of remembrance, and it generated within man a restless longing for he knew not what. Henceforth, man was destined to wander discontented, seeking something he felt he knew, but could not see, something which continually eluded him, perpetually goaded him and forever


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